I can't believe I missed the Ice Dance (@ the World Figure Skating Championships)

Apr 09, 2012 23:43

I just hate NBC. Why? Because it would have been SO easy to put a promo for the World Figure Skating Championships on during the National Figure Skating Chamionships. They always used to; I'd write the date on the calendar, and I'd bloody well watch it. But I had no idea when it was on, and consequently, I missed the first hour, which was the Ice Dancing. My favorite part. They FINALLY air Worlds on TV again and I bloody missed it! ARG!!! Would anyone at a TV network fail to mention when they're airing the Super Bowl? No, they wouldn't, because football fans would be livid. Why do they seem to think figure skating fans just don't really care about watching figure skating?? BECAUSE WE DO. I haven't seen Tessa Virtue & Scott Moir skate IN TWO WHOLE YEARS!!! And now I missed my one darn chance by a few minutes! ARG!!! And I don't want to pay $12 dollars to see it on Ice Network now that I've seen the Mens and Ladies. (And it wasn't good enough to want to watch again!) And their freedance this year was to Funny Face. Two of my favorite skaters skating to music from one of my favorite movies, and Tessa even wore a red dress like the scene in the movie. *cries* I wanted to see that!!

Well, besides lamenting the epic failure of network TV to promote figure skating properly, I do have a few thoughts on the mens and ladies competitions. As far as the men:

#1 is that Patrick Chan is leagues ahead of the rest of the field even when he falls spectacularly. He was the only one worth watching AT ALL.
#2 is that having to slog through Brian Joubert's old 'Matrix' program for the zillionth time only added insult to the injury of having missed the Ice Dance.
#3 is that "The Untouchables" soundtrack is another one of those pieces of music that should be banned from skating. All the boys skate to it and I'm SO SICK OF IT! Do something new!!
#4 is I'm totally sad Jeremy Abbott never seems to be able to pull it together anywhere but Nationals. I didn't see him, but he ended up 8th, so I'm guessing he didn't do great. Phooey. And why no Takahiko Kozuka? I guess he must have had a rough time at Japanese Nationals if they sent the new youngun' instead of him!
#5 is thank heaven the season's over, because Daisuke Takahashi's freeskate this year never fails to put me to sleep. It's so dull! Why do people like it? It's heinous monotonous music that does nothing to show off the good qualities in his skating. Just let's hope he does something better next season!

As far as the ladies, I have less snarkiness for them, at least! Carolina Kostner had the best skate of her career and she was lovely and I'm so happy for her. It was great to see the joy come out in her smile and have those beautiful long lines of hers put together with huge jumps into a complete performance. Akiko Suzuki was wonderful too, she was so light and sparkling and looked like she was having so much fun out there! 'Die Fledermaus' is perfect for her, and I think it's even more a credit to her that she can make it her own in the same year that Davis & White are skating to it and making such an impression with it. I think it works equally well for all of them! My one disappointment was Alissa Czisny, since a skater of her quality ending 22nd is just ridiculous. When she's at her best she's the best there is, so it hurts so much to see her have a terrible time and not live up to what she's capapble of. But it happens to us all, and I'll never stop believing in her!!! She can do it one day, I know she will!!

So I guess that's the story for this season; I have SOME closure now, at the very least. Let's just hope they continue to air Worlds on network TV in the future, and that they'll actually tell us when!!

figure skating

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