Phantom of the Opera costuming! (It was only a matter of time!)

Apr 05, 2012 22:03

Well, long time no post, but still not much sewing progress! I had to get a table at the local doll show to sell off some of my collection (I just don't have room for it all!) and between getting it all out, setting it up, selling it, and taking what didn't sell back home again, I had no time for anything else, and now I'm exhausted! *whew!*

But nonetheless, my busy little brain wouldn't leave sewing alone, and I've decided I just don't have enough to do already, I need ANOTHER project! (Yes, that was sarcasm, but seriously, I'm doing it!) So:

I'm going to make Christine's dressing gown from The Phantom of the Opera!

I've been obsessed for so long, someday a Phantom-related costume project was inevitable! I'm using Sarah Brightman's original West End costume as my inspiration, and I'm going to make the bodice from the Hannibal outfit to go underneath it. I'm just going to put some Victorian bloomers underneath that though, since I'm aiming to have it done for a Con in September, and considering how much other sewing I have to do, I'm not going to have time to make the little rope skirt. (Maybe in the future though!) I luckily have some fabric that will be perfect for the dressing gown; years ago I bought this white paisley cotton voile that is such amazingly fine quality, but the paisley pattern is so pronounced and weird that it really can't be used for regular period costuming. Weird paisleys work perfect for POTO though! The original costume was a weird swirley pattened sheer (paisley?) judging from the photos, and even though it was probably polyester (or silk? It was a pretty big budget production) I think my patterned sheer cotton will produce the same effect. Now gotta dig out my red & green velveteen & gold trim for the bodice! Eeps!! I'm so excited to make this!!!

I fear my secret geeky doll clothes project will have to be shelved for a while now! (But I'm gonna do it someday, by golly!)

christine dressing gown, phantom of the opera, sewing

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