Book cover: "Heart Arrhythmia and Other Stories"

Feb 14, 2009 14:03

There's one thing you should know about lavvyan --besides that she is awesome-- lavvyan does not plan, she Plans. Get this: in June 2008 (June!), she emailed me about a secret writing project she was putting together for some of her friends --a collection of SGA stories printed in a real book you can hold in your hands (omg)-- and asked me if I'd be willing to make the cover art for the book, cover art which would be based on one of the stories. I, of course, agreed because 1) I always love her stories, 2) printed cover art! I had never done that, and I liked the challenge.

Six months later, she sent me the story and I wasn't disappointed: Heart Arrhythmia is an absolutely FANTASTIC story. And you should totally go and read it now.

Making a cover that was meant to be printed was a lot harder than I thought it would be, simply because working with a resolution of 300dpi and a very large canvas is quite difficult when most of the source materials are screencaps -- even HQ/DVD ones look ridiculously small at a 300dpi resolution. Therefore I had to fall back on HQ episode stills. Luckily for me, we have plenty of those and managed to put together something that would work.

Inga, thank you SO much for choosing me to make your cover, and giving me this incredible gift of seeing my work printed for the first time. Really, thank you. ♥
Thank you to elli for the beta and reassurances.

Front Cover

Back Cover

Click on the thumb to see it in monster full-size, i.e. 3764x2775.

Pictures of the book!

tv: stargate atlantis, mckay/sheppard, lj: public, lj: friends, fan: art

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