Art: Supernatural, Stargate: Atlantis, Without A Trace.

Feb 17, 2009 00:36

I've been posting a lot of cover art lately and that's because I've decided (ironically) to stop lazing about during my procrastination time and go through my fanart to-do list. List which is three items shorter now. YAY! \o/ Go me.

Title: Witch Hunt
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: None/Gen
Notes 1: A long, long time ago, emily_reich requested a cover art for a story she co-authored with kel_of_merentha called Witch Hunt. I hope you will like it and I thank you both for your patience. :)
Notes 2: Screencaps by oxoniensis. Texture by elli.

Witch Hunt by emily_reich and kel_of_merentha

You can read "Witch Hunt" here.


Titles: "The Awful Loneliness" and "I Am Your Image Dressed as the World"
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis
Pairing: John/Rodney
Notes: A long, long time ago, mirabile_dictu requested a cover art for either one of the following stories: The Awful Loneliness, I Am Your Image Dressed as the World or Stumbling toward Happiness. I loved all three --and highly recommend them if you haven't read them already-- but ended up choosing "The Awful Loneliness" because I fell a tiny bit in love with the universe depicted in the story. And then, because I couldn't resist the call of the winnebago, I made a cover for "I Am Your Image Dressed as the World", too. mirabile_dictu, thank you for your patience. :)

The Awful Loneliness by mirabile_dictu

You can read "The Awful Loneliness" here.

I Am Your Image Dressed as the World by mirabile_dictu

You can read "I Am Your Image Dressed as the World" here.


Title: For You Are My Fate
Fandom: Without A Trace
Pairing: Danny/Martin
Notes 1: A long, long time ago, mardia requested a cover art for her story For You Are My Fate. Sorry it took me so long sweetie! :)

For You Are My Fate by mardia

You can read "For You Are My Fate" here.

tv: without a trace, tv: stargate atlantis, lj: public, fan: art, tv: supernatural, requests

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