Nov 30, 2006 00:29
I am really disgusted by the amount of retarded English mistakes people make in professional work. I'm sick of reading essays that are preceded with "This won me X award!" only to find grammatical errors all over it, or missing/superfluous commas (AAH PET PEEVE), or misplaced paragraphs that don't lend anything to the overall essay. I'm tired of reading the New York Times and seeing sentences that don't flow, and cliches and overused phrases, and participles and modifiers dangling all over the friggin place, and entire articles that seriously sound like a middle schooler wrote them. I'm tired of reading magazines where they have "experts" write sections, because lots of the time the writing is awful, and it's obvious it wasn't edited or reread enough times by an ACTUAL WRITER. I'm definitely not perfect as far as my use of the English language goes, but I also don't think I should easily find mistakes in something done by a professional. These people are MAKING MONEY to publish mediocre work - it's their FREAKIN JOB. I suppose in any profession you're going to get some people who suck at their job, but MOTHER OF GOD it drives me insane.