i <3 Priscilla and Lindsay (but not Ururu)

Oct 07, 2006 23:06

just a few things i need to post about:

1) i went to MangaNEXT today and FINALLY met krylonfire, who is TOTALLY AWESOME and way cooler in person than online (which is saying something, b/c she is really really cool online) and i had an awesome time with her and her friends. we got some neat pictures and we met some weird people and we watched the cosplay chess match and just hung out. i got attacked (like, literally, she knocked me over and almost pulled my wig off) by this four-year-old Ururu, but otherwise mostly positive stuff only. Priscilla and her friends srsly rock. i swear, livejournal, why do you keep connecting me with all these amazing people?

2) LINDSAY! I GOT YOUR PACKAGE!!!! it was sitting in Tom's car forever b/c i got it while i was in Europe and he was on the way out of the house one day and saw it and picked it up and put it in the back seat and never looked at the return address since i get so much crap from eBay anyway. when i saw the address label i was like "OMG!!!!!! Tom! it's from radicallindsay!!!" the stuffed animals are SO ADORABLE. Tom and i both died. he loves koalas for a few reasons, one being a Mitch Hedberg skit about koalas, and one being that episode of Family Guy where a koala comes out of nowhere and attacks Peter's face, lol. he REALLY liked it! and omg okapis!!! i did a report on them when i was in 3rd or 4th grade and i remember picking them since they looked neat, but after i did the report i was like "DUDE these guys are so cool." i have never seen an okapi plush anywhere, and the only okapi i saw in person was at the Animal Kingdom in Walt Disney World, and it was so far away. do they HAVE okapis at your zoo??? just wondering lol. but man, thank you so so so so so much. i mean it, im really touched and i really LOVE the gifts - we both do!!! and nice note paper!!! hehehe.

3) at the con, I ended up, for the record, not dying my hair anything. the uniform jacket took me so long last night that i was literally too tired to dye my hair, so i just wore my Rukia wig instead. HAHAHA. i accessorized for the costume to detract attention from the ghetto-ness of my jacket, and at some point during the cosplay chess i lost the sword part of my Sode no Shirayuki keychain and now i have to make another one. i looked down one minute and it was there, and when i looked again it was a lonely ribbon. argh.

4) i miss Gi. she called me while i was at the convention and i was really happy to hear from her, esp in that setting, in cosplay, with a bunch of geeks all around me. um, Philadelphia, plz to be moving closer to my house???

manganext, cosplay, events, anime, conventions

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