Grinds My Gears...

Oct 03, 2005 09:56

You know what really grinds my gears? Big stores that use lies and gimmicks to get you into to buy something that you can't buy in hopes you'll buy something else. For example I want that Firefly Boxset, FUTURESUCK put it in their weekly paper for advertise stating $29.99, which really kicks ass.

But when I get there they are all sold out. In fact they haven't had any in stock for about a month now; there isn’t even 1 copy in their warehouse. As well NOT a single store in Ontario has one. Yet someone in Canada from FUTUREFUCK decided to put it on sale because Serenity came out this weekend and wanted a way to get suckers like me in the store. Even though knowing that no store has a copy, and by the time the orders get to the stores the sale will be over (Sale Ends Oct. 6th). I was offered no rain check when asking about the DVD to an employee.

Now of course you can order the DVD online, but they only put that there for legal purposes. If you search on their website you will find 2 listings one for $59.99 and the other for of course the $29.99. But as for me, I'm so grinded I'd rather pay 60 bucks to Wal-Mart rather than 30 at FUTURESUCK.

** "Grinds my gears" is from new Family guy movie. Awesome movie so go get it..


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