Family Ties...

Sep 28, 2005 11:32

I got to spend the weekend with my dad, while that may be common with both my readers. It's a rare occasion for me. He's a big Rolling Stones fan and came for the concert and the visit. While I have seen the Stones 3 times before, my dad has seen them 17 times before, it was still an amazing show.

Over the weekend we did some stuff that I guess any person would do with his father, clubs, drinks, movies, laughs, and overall good times. But as he is getting old, as am I, I realize that these moments that keep passing us by are getting fewer and fewer. Yet I think we all take them for granted, it's only after the fact that he is gone home that I realize how special the moment was. Funny how typical things like that are notarized, trivial yet important none the less.

I still wonder was this thought running through his head at the moment of departure? I guess everyone thinks in their own way, but we all hope we end up on the same page in the end. Maybe that’s all that matters?


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