The Daily Douche - Craig Sager

Oct 29, 2011 09:41

Does this douche even need an introduction? It's bad enough that TBS has basically ruined post season baseball for me, but why is this prick bastard even employed? Craig Sager, have you looked in the mirror lately? Those suits, that tie. Dude is trying to make these Elton John get ups cool. Total D-bag move. Obviously, because Elton is actually gay so at least he can pull that shit off and still be one of the best performers ever. Not even could Clint Eastwood make that shit look cool, and there's no denying he's one of the most cool badass motherfuckers walking this planet. You ever wear a suit and tie that you just shouldn't have fucked with? Sager has. Somebody call 911 emergency because Craig Sager is an erection that has lasted for too long. Might as well call him the online pharmacy Douche.

PS - Yo Fez, is that you bro?

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