A Letter to All Christians Who Politically Call Themselves "Pro-Choice"

May 19, 2010 11:43

I wrote this letter in response to a friend who stated that being pro-choice was a Christian position, and that the Democratic Party is the Christian Party. I felt I might as well post it for the world to see.
I feel compelled and obligated to write you this letter concerning the
protection of unborn babies from death by abortion.

Science has discovered that life begins at conception. The Church has
consistently taught that the spirit animates the body, thus we call
the spirit a soul. Thus, God joins the spirit to the body at
conception, otherwise the body would not live and grow. Thus, every
human being is a person at conception. The people of God have always
understood that God is responsible for life within the womb -- who
then are we to say "No" to God, the author of life, and kill this
life? (See Psalm 139 and note verse 13, "You formed my inmost being;
you knit me in my mother's womb.")

Furthermore, since the killing of innocent people -- namely, people
who have not forfeited their right to life by incurring blood-guilt
through murder -- is called murder, and abortion is the killing of
innocent people, abortion is rightly called murder, regardless of
whether the state recognizes them as people. There are plenty of
historical examples of mass murder because the state did not recognize
humans as people; the Holocaust is the most prominent example for
Americans. Sadly, the number of people killed by abortion since its
legalization in 1973 in America alone has surpassed the entire death
toll of World War 2.

The murder of the innocent is never acceptable under any circumstance,
and we are obligated as Christians to fight to protect the innocent.
(When the life of the mother is at risk due to dangerous pregnancies,
the doctors have the responsibility to work for both patients. In the
case of ectopic pregnancies wherein the fetus is certain to die and
the mother to bleed to death, surgery can be done either to relocate
the fetus or to remove the tissue to which the fetus is connected --
this is not abortion as it is not the intentional and direct killing
of the fetus, his death not intended.)

There is more to be said, how one's understanding of human sexuality
and life affects one's entire worldview, how the right to life is the
foundational right upon which all other rights are built (not simply
one political issue of many), but I will stop here for now, as I know
this letter is already a challenge for one who claims the label
"pro-choice". (God is pro-choice, but the wages of sin is death,
Romans 6:23 -- the label "pro-choice" masks that the choice to kill
innocent humans is in fact evil.)

I hope we can continue this conversation as friends and brother and
sister in Christ, and I pray sincerely that you seriously consider
what I say.

death, babies, human rights, usa, abortion, unborn, sanctity of life, life

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