civil unions in New Hampshire

Jun 01, 2007 11:22

New Hampshire becomes the fourth state to allow same-sex civil unions, joining Vermont, Connecticut and New Jersey, and the first to do so without a court order or a pending lawsuit. ... a bill giving same-sex couples, through civil union, the same rights and obligations as married couples.
Yaaaay! About time. I wish TN would do the same. This next part bothers me, though:
Bishop V. Gene Robinson, whose status as the openly gay Episcopal leader in New Hampshire has caused debate and division within the international Anglican Communion, attended the ceremony and said in an interview that he would enter into a civil union with his partner next year.
Silly Episcopalians. The Catholic priests make more sense to me, maintaining a life of celibacy and devotion to God; living near-poverty level (not having many worldly possessions to distract them) makes it too difficult to raise a family. I think it's only because that calling is so difficult for many that Protestants fudge and allow their pastors to "run it as a business" and have families ... (in case you weren't aware, the Catholic church needs more priests and is praying that "more will respond to the calling".)

I feel that priest may become one more example proving the point about problems priests' relationships can create. How many people are going to be distracted by his partner, such that they won't focus on the real issues at hand? I mean, let's say he goes into church and talks about abortion, fornication, or adultery. People won't allow themselves to listen because they'll be too distracted by his union with his partner ... Creating controversy over worldly affairs, serving as a distraction from real issues at hand.

I still don't know how I feel about MA allowing gay marriage, though.

priests, homosexuality, politics, civil unions, gay marriage

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