summer, maturity

Aug 12, 2006 00:34

I turned 19 on Thursday, the same day that I find that I've made As for both US History 1 and Calculus 1 -- had two finals back to back on my birthday -- and I turn in an RA application.

My Resident Assistant interview was the next day (today) at 2:00 PM, and two hours later they call me and say I'm hired.

They said it normally doesn't happen this fast, and that I've rather "hit the ground running." I get one day off -- namely, tomorrow -- and then RA training begins Sunday (with a dinner at 5:30.)

My mother was planning on celebrating my birthday Sunday evening, and is very disappointed that I won't be home these two weeks (the training starts Sunday until school starts.) I'm disappointed, too, but at the same time very excited about the job -- even though Jeremy and Jennifer and Jon (summer RAs) have all said it's terrible -- Alexis countered and said it's worse during the summer than the Spring/Fall (which it undoubtedly is.)

Life seems to be really picking up pace. I find myself with less and less free time every day. I marvel at the fact that less than two years ago I wasted all my time and got nothing done ...

My GPA is now a 3.825; I told myself I'd be happy with a 3.8. But now I want to see if I can keep it at a 3.825, or improve it ... Grades are weird. 46 credit-hours, after my first semester as a sophomore I'll have 63, which makes me a junior ... but after next semester I'll be like a freshman in the Physics program. All of this musing really is irrelevant, though; what matters is what I learn, what I do ...

ra, job, life, summer

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