OOC: plotstorming

Dec 08, 2009 11:42

This is just a brainstorming post since I'm not quite sure how I want to handle some plot that should be coming up sometime soon. If you're interested in blowing things up, dragons, stopping murders, picking up the comatose etc, etc, check here:

So the original plot of Son of a Witch involves one page of the Grimmerie getting into Shell's hands and being used to produce dragons, which are raised and trained and sent out to cause random, confusing violence to upset different social groups in Oz. Liir runs afoul of these dragons, has them strip him down and steal his broom and his cloak and drop him from the sky. He later returns, meets up with his old 'pal' Trism who is the dragon trainer; he knows exactly how screwed up this whole murdering innocent young people to cause social unrest thing is, is kind of mentally scarred from it, and tries to kill Liir for reasons that make plenty of sense, really. Instead, the two of them decide the atrocities are Shell's fault and go off to poison the dragons so they can no longer be used this way.

Apparently, dragons explode.

They escape, there is happy pouncings, la la la de blah de blah, etc.

Now, Liir's current situation has changed a lot of stuff, but I don't think it would change what's going on with Oz in general; Shell was driven crazier by Liir a couple of years ago, but that's never stopped anyone from running Oz before *g* So I'd like to do some of this plot with a slightly different non-noncon FH twist (don't ask if you don't want to know WTF Maguire WTF). Here's the elements I'd like to keep.

1. Trism being involved
2. The dragons being destroyed
3. The basilica blowing up
4. Liir getting attacked by dragons and nearly dying and going into the coma of my body and my soul are in two different places MINUS the Power of Pron healing, thank you.

But I'm not quite sure how to do that. I'm still pondering on it, but... anyone want to help? Ideas? Etc?


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