So yeah today is my birthday, and I’m on my way to a dinner party with my family. Nevertheless, I decided to do a quick update, seeing as how I love this community and the loyal and awesome members within it. I won’t be able to reply to your comments tonight, but defiantly tomorrow morning. Oh and don’t worry
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I would imagine it was the geostigma, if nothing else, that caused need for the wheelchair--as demonstrated by Cloud when the stigma attacks it can be crippling.
This isn't remotely officially stated, just how I personally like to see things, but I can imagine Rufus having at least been friendly with the Turks before his presidency just because they're around the same age. It's easy to see ShinRa as a young company because of Rufus and the Turks, but most of the execs and advisors were definitely much older. I don't think we are ever given official ages for anyone, but Elena was only a few years out of high school in the time of the game, and Aerith was 22, and as Tseng was at least somewhat interested in both of them at one point I doubt he would have been but so much older--and Reno and Rufus' character designs look younger than Tseng but about the same age as each other. Rude I suppose it's hard to say...but the Turks really only seemed to care about the orders that Rufus gave, which seems more like loyalty to him than loyalty to the company, ya know?
Oooh and actually, it seems like your question may be slightly answered in Dirge of Cerberus:
from Wikipedia (which it's exactly reliable but it's something):
In the opening flashback of Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII, we learned that after evading death, a comatose Rufus was carried into an ambulance by rescue workers during Meteor's descent above Midgar. If you look closely, you should notice that Rufus' clothes are not torn, bloody or ruffled, just extremely dirty. This indicates that he wasn't pelted by any, or large pieces of rubble, hence the reason Rufus didn't suffer any crippling injuries, or grievous scars
Which still doesn't explain how he survived the explosion, and why it was never made public knowledge that he survived (though that could have been his decision), but it does tell us a bit more about his immediate condition :)
As for their ages, I’m not to sure either. I believe Rufus is 23 in Advent Children, making him 21 years old in the game. But I could be wrong, though as for Reno, I’d imagine he is about 24, no higher then 28. Rude looks like he is 30-34, Tseng…maybe 32-35, and I’d imagine Elena is probably 22, making her the youngest out of them all.
But I do agree that they are younger then the original members of the ShinRa Company, making them cool. There bond is simply inspiring.
I’m working on The Rufus entry now…it should be up today. Thanks again for clarifying. ;)
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