15 Random Things I noticed about Advent Children

May 19, 2006 00:06

These are just a few thoughts that came to mind after wtaching Advent Children today. If you agree, disagree, or just find any of these points interesting, just let me know. Enjoy. :D

1. Rufus never flicked his hair. Not to mention he now has two sets of strands in the movie, instead of one like in the game.

2. Cloud seemed to have lost his sense of humor. I mean really, can you imagine Advent Children Cloud saying "Let's Mossy?"

3. Rufus, Cloud, Reno, and Barret have upgraded weapons.

4. Kadaj and the children drank the water that still has, or once had Aeris's corpse in it. Eww. :P

5. Apparently, Rufus no longer wears those bad boy black gloves he had in the game, and I believe he is responsible for building the meteor statue in Edge.

6. Didn't Rufus's wheelchair blow up when he caused that explosion with his shotgun? Not to mention the box of materia was also blown up, unless The Turks have it now. Hmmm.

7. Despite the fact that Aeris is dead, it looks like she can still leave messages on Cloud's phone. :S

8. Despite Shinra Incorporated’s temporary end, they still have plenty of recourses such as helicopters and explosives.

9. Those that have Jenova cells within them pay a heavy price, for they seem to get sick every so often.

10. Cloud, Denzel, Rufus and a few others have a green outline near their pupils. Is it Mako, or is it normal?

11. A blue aura would form around Cloud every time he used a limit break.

12. Judging from how the Forgotten Capital is still in good condition, it looks like Midgar was the only city affected by Meteor.

13. How did Cloud get to the Forgotten Capital in the first place? Don't you need a plane to get there from Midgar?

14. Even though Rufus spent a good while recovering, he continued to train with his shotgun, it would explain his increase in skill.

15. Barret now has a mechanical hand that can change into a gun; in the game...his gun was not able to do so.

death, rufus, aeris, weapons, advent children, jenova, debate, points, cloud, barret

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