May 18, 2006 18:30
As I was working on my fan fiction, a few thoughts about Seifer, Headmaster Cid and Matron came to mind. Correct me if I’m wrong, but even though all of the children loved Matron, all of them, besides Seifer, were a bit more attached to Ellone. Well, that’s my opinion. I say this because I remember one of Squall’s friends, I think it was Selphie, complaining that he use to hog Ellone aka sis, all to himself. Anyway, it seems to me that Seifer shared a deep relationship with Matron and Cid.
Let's start of with Headmaster Cid and Seifer. Being Matron's wife, I would say he would pay a visit to the orphanage while Balamb Garden was under construction, meaning he would get acquainted with the kids. Judging from the relationship Seifer and Cid have (even though they do not interact in the game much) it looks like Cid plays the father role in Seifer's life. Out of all the individuals in the game, (excluding Fujin and Raijin) it looks like Headmaster Cid is the only person who really understands Seifer, and feels bad for him. Here's a quote form Cid after Seifer fails his SeeD exam. "Seifer. You will de disciplined for you irresponsible behavior. You must follow orders exactly during combat. But I'm not entirely without sympathy for you. I don't want you all to become machines. I want you all be able to think and act for yourselves."
I know Cid is the Headmaster that was doing his job, but you can feel the fatherly love in that comment. Yes he laid down the law, and told Seifer he will be disciplined, but he also feels sorry for him, and there is a minor sense of understanding of Seifer's actions. Where as everybody else, epically Xu would tell Seifer off, and leave it like that, without comforting him in their own way. Despite the fact that Cid is the Headmaster, it looks like Seifer deeply respects him. I say this because Seifer would tell anybody off, without hesitation. He even insulted Quistis in front of Xu and Cid, and didn't care. So that tells me that he would do the same to Cid, but his respect for him prevents it. Rumor has it that Matron is Seifer's mother, and Cid might be the father, but I find that highly untrue. But it should be noted that Cid wields Seifer's card. ;)
As for the relationship with Matron, here is where things get complicated, so I'll try and keep it short. Besides Squall, Fujin and Raijin, everybody else seems to be totally clueless about what Seifer is all about. I'd say they never really did get a chance to get to know him as a kid. I know the GF's eat away at their memories, but even after that, they still have a hard time figuring him out. But look how Sorceress Edea (Matron) manipulated Seifer so easily. Sure part of him was controlled from a spell, but it was mostly done verbally.
Most of you might think he merely joined her to fulfill his dream. But can you recall how hesitant Seifer was when he was given the chance to join Edea when she first appeared? He wasn't even listening to her at first. They say if your dream knocks on your door, you should answer it, but why didn't Seifer his knock right away? It was as if he would only serve a sorceress that satisfies his expectations, which Seifer would have kept to himself. So how would Edea know what to say to make Seifer join him so easily? As I mentioned before, part of the manipulation was magic, the other if not most of it was from words. It's possible that Seifer, as a child, told Matron all about his dream to be a knight, meaning she knew what to say to make Seifer come with her.
We should keep in mind that Edea refers to Seifer as "a little boy" when they first met, so in a way, Matron controlled they kid that was still inside of Seifer. Pretty deep, isn't it? Ok now let's quickly go over how Seifer's personality changed when he realized that he was serving Matron. When Squall and his SeeD friends were having that flash back at the basketball court it looks like that Seifer went through the same vision at the same time.
The reason is because he discovered that he was serving Edea right before the fight in disc 2, and he mentioned to Zell about how he picked on him as a kid, and I do not think that Seifer would have even remembered that in disc 1. Unlike the first time he tried protecting Edea, Seifer was willing to fight SeeD again in the second encounter, after taking a trouncing. I know Seifer got allot stronger and all, but I think it was the mother and son bond they had that kept Seifer fighting, despite his increase in skill. So in a sense, it was a son protecting his mother, like Sephiroth and Jenova. But of of course, in disc 3, he was 100% brainwashed by Ultimecia.
So...what do you think?
headmaster cid,