Newsletter the Twenty-fifth.

Nov 23, 2006 06:05

First off, my apologies for being a completely crappy mod over the past few months. There's not really any good excuse; this community is a responsibility of mine and I've been neglecting it, so it's my bad. The good part is that I'm not going to do that any more; my co-mod and I have discussed it, and we're splitting our duties slightly differently from now on. That'll be elaborated on in its own section. Now, on to the update.

New Characters
Final Fantasy VII - Cloud Strife - strifeholic - Character Profile
Final Fantasy VII - Zack - sanguine_rogue - Character Profile
Static Shock - Francis Stone - f_stoppyro - Character Profile

No Longer Taken (please defriend character journals)
Fire Emblem: Rekka no Ken - Karla - nosaneland

Newly Reserved
Kingdom Hearts - Riku (priestess)

Admin Console
Just post this code into your character journal's admin console and it'll automatically do all the adding/defriending for this update for you :) You have to be logged in as the character, of course.

friend add strifeholic
friend add sanguine_rogue
friend add f_stoppyro
friend remove nosaneland

As in, I'm no longer on one. :) I should be back on AIM regularly, every night/every second night. Summer has come, and I have nothing to do but wait to see if I get into any universities, thus, I am here. XD;; So sorry for my vagueness in general, which leads me to my next subject...

Modly Duties Switch
Or not switch, so much as clarification; our contact info will be edited to reflect this. The duties, though, are as followed;
priestess (aka me) - handling administration type duties. I approve applications, approve membership requests, organise tags and Memories (something I'm sorely behind in), edit information, post bios, do inactivity checks and all that lovely stuff.
darkslayer709 (aka Dark) - handling the plotline-related duties. Of course, both of us moderators are involved in the plots, but she will be more often writing and posting the events. She'll also be handling the brunt of disclipline, but we basically act together on anything anyway.

The changes/clarifications are basically just to capitalise on each of our respective strengths. I'm a weirdo who actually finds admin work fun, and Dark is better at thinking of plots anyway.

Canon Edits
As I posted about on the OOC community a little while ago, my co-mod and I have decided to make a few edits to the canon. Since there were no objections, I've gone ahead and done that. :) They shouldn't affect much, but make plotting a great deal easier; I'd advise everyone to read over that OOC community post and the updated game canon page (and the userinfo, if you feel like it) to get the gist of what's been changed.

mod!post, newsletter

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