Law #1 - Mutants (Semi-Manditory Event)

Nov 22, 2006 17:17

Who: Everyone and Anyone ^_^
Where: Town Centre
When: 22nd November, 11:45am
Summary: The first in a series of Government approved laws has just been announced, with mixed reactions.
Notes: Semi-Manditory event post, so please comment if you have a character you think would fit into this situation, it can be anyone, but comments will be loved, huggled and given marzipan & cookies ^_^

It was rare that the Government of New Sanctum actually gathered and spoke to its citizens as usually they implemented changes without informing anyone but the people that directly worked for them so they would be able to enforce it. It was believed to be beneath the Government and those who served under them to really consort with the people who in their eyes existed purely to obey whatever ridiculous rule they could think of. However today, they had decided to go public. Standing on the balcony, overlooking the town square, a rather overweight, greying man held up his hand before speaking in a loud, booming voice. “I would like your attention, as we have agreed upon some new laws that will be a benefit to this fair city!” He paused for dramatic effect, but everyone just looked bored or angry, something that irritated him deeply. “We have worked long and hard to develop our first law and it is against the one thing that is on everybody’s lips, mutants!” He paused again and was met with stony silence.

A second, twig-like man joined him on the balcony, shooting him a look before addressing the crowd. “For too long, mutants have been roaming these streets without restraints, damaging anything they please and poisoning the minds of our good citizens of New Sanctum. From this day, anyone suspected of being a mutant, using mutant abilities or harbouring a mutant will be taken into custody and questioned. Tests will be performed and any mutants identified will be forced to register their name and wear specially designed power dampeners until a cure is developed!” Once again the crowd was silent, although several members had become a lot tenser, glaring at the pair with utter hatred in their eyes. he thin man glanced over to him with an expression that looked like he had a bad smell under his nose before he retreated back into the building.

Meanwhile the crowd below began to disperse, chattering amongst themselves, some were uninterested, others hadn’t listened to a word the pair had said, but a large majority were fuming with anger and were not afraid to express it.


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