A little random poetry/prose/et cetera.

May 13, 2009 17:06

Wrote this a while ago. I suppose they call this emojournal for a reason. xD

Faces turned in shameful denial,
Never shall they bear a smile;
Why do we turn to you?
Why do we think you hold the truth?
We let ourselves be taken hold
By your lies, your mask; You're bold
To take advantage of such sweetness,
Turn it sour.

Our little cubes of sugar, as sitting on the plate,
Are forever dissolved by your acidic hate,
And our milk forever spoiled,
By our methodic turmoil.
And when you've come and gone,
Done your damage, said your words,
Used us 'till we burned,
We'll still be here.

And now we sway to another tune,
And we bow to another Lord and Master,
Watching ourselves fall even faster...
If we're going down, we're going down good,
We're going down clean, obscene,
We're gonna hit the ground running,
We're breaking through your twisted screen,
The strongest broken souls you've ever seen.
And by we, I mean me.
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