The Start of School

Jan 18, 2006 22:45

Lets see... it's been a pretty good couple of days. Not all that much really going on, started school today and whatnot.

Yesterday was pretty good... just hung out at the apartment, mainly, getting stuff ready for school... read a couple of chapters ahead in all of my books, as usual. Then last night I hung out with Matt again. Matt and some of his friends (who don't know about him being in the closet) came by and we all just rode around town and hung out. We went to a public lake close by, even though it was freezing cold... but, the moon was nice and bright, just past its waning stage, and Matt and I got a few minutes there on the dock by ourselves (Even if the other two could see us, they couldn't hear) so got to talk abit, that was nice. ...then we all ended up eating breakfast abit after 1 AM at "the Cafe" in downtown. Then got dropped off here and had a nice talk over the phone with Matt.

This morning I woke up abit after 5 and found out that I couldn't go back to sleep, so, knew it was going to be a long day. I just basically sat around and did nothing until it was time to go to class. I have 1 class on Mon-Wed-Fri from 11-12, Organizational Communications I. But, I didn't think I was going to know anyone in there, and it turns out I know about 1/4 the class, 10 out of 40 people. ...and the REALLY weird thing is that I am the only non-International Business student in there (or at least, only ex-IB student)... which is really weird. That class scares me, though... there is only going to be 2 grades the entire semester, the midterm and the final grade. :P

Went to Judo over at the Dojo tonight for the first time... that was actually pretty fun. I learned how to fall down (properly) ALOT, lol. Judo's a close contact style, so, lots of grapling and all of that fun stuff. But, I got EXTREMELY emberassed tonight... Matt and I was practicing (we switch parents every time we do something different, so, wasn't always him) a form where you grab their arm, and their lapel, you jerk them forward and you sweep (leg fully extended/straight) and try to catch their foot so that they fall... if that does work, then you grab their pants leg and sweep the other way and try and trip them that way.... anyways, long story short... my leg accidently bent some... and I ended up kneeing Matt in the groin (not hard...but...not soft either)... :P After a few seconds he was fine, but, I still feel REALLY bad about it.

...then was fencing, was enjoyable, even if it was almost all footwork. ...and as I was writing this post Matt called, he offered me a chance to drop by the lab where he works at tomorrow...huh, I might take him up on it. :D Sounds like it should be pretty good/fun. Anyways, I'm tired and sleepy and now that Matt's called like he said he would, I'm off to sleep.
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