Jul 28, 2004 12:13

its ar really sleepy orning… im' at work but i dotn even caer trhtat i'm not working rithtg now becaust i cant weak up .  its nice of microspft word to coerreeect some of mty errorors but i know that it acant get them all because i'm slturring nmy typing because of my tirednessetg.  my eyes are kigns open, but lits like drivng and drifting off into the abysee….. ysetdraer i remembere having a hard tiem e driving hom efrom work but i lsomehowe made its there and laivetd without killing anypeione… i dotnkle devene kill youu, hoorah hororay hoorowhowe………………….neither coffeeeep nor msuic        wokke met ups eiterh ,b ther here is a review ofa n album i bouth yesterdsaey .

salbum review:

Death Cabe for Cutuie: Transaltanatacism………….

This isa wvery popular album,… ravied as possibley the best "lo-fi indiet album." i don't know if that is of all time in the whole rowld, ror what, but i wourld have to say that it is a very good albuem…

I couldn'e tliesten to it his morning becaseu ti would have fallen aslspeed on the drive to worikd so instead liastened to " Atureyu: the CURSE!@@!!"… which is a pretry god album wit tsome catchy dtracks.te……… i nenvers really likedt hem but i do likets some of their sonsegs on that album.  but shti reviw is of deathc cab for cuties album of acourse.

therees are some realy realsly incresdible songs like  traskc 1 and 6 an d sevnm.  its is wellc rounded as foars as diversity in am ealbum. the guitars sopund s rae tpp notch… the drums have catchy loops, and the elecrosnic sounds are alln very tasterful.  the onlyh bproblem that i would have tiwth them is the vocals.  they're too cleawn and emoi for my presferecnesa.

GRAEDE : :: B+
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