Tutta un altra storia (oppure: un consiglio per il prossimo viaggio)

Jan 02, 2021 05:29

Il 31 dicembre 2020 ho avuto un grande onore di parlare per mezz'ora con Maurizia Giusti (Syusy Blady). Già prima sentivo che c'erano molte somiglianze nei nostri studi, ma sono rimasto sorpreso di quanto abbiamo in comune nelle nostre idee e ipotesi!

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toponymy, geography, nostratic languages hypothesis is alive, names, parole italiane - etimologia estesa, paleocontact hypotheis, history

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VANG, KOBUM, OJA / VENEH, HOBUNE, AERU new_etymology January 15 2021, 16:00:30 UTC
Вelow - just some of the 100s of words in the aboriginal languages in Papua New Guinea studied and documented by Miklouho-Maclay at place in the 19th Century - too dear to the ear of any Finnic-speaking peoples, the direct descendants of the Boat Peoples of the pre-historic past:

VANG (alternatively: KOBUM) - the pirogue boat - compare to: Fin., Est., Karel. VENE, VENEH, Saami FANAS, Erzia, Moksha VENČ, VENƏŠ - the small fisherer-hunter's boat.

OJA - an oar - compare to Est., Fin. AER, AERU, AIRO - an oar - derives from Fin. AJAA, Est. AJA(MA) - to push, drive, run, ride, operate, steer; Hung. HAJT - to drive, stimulate; Est. AJE - a push, a drive, a stimulus; Est. AJU - a run; AJUR (Est.) - a teamster, -R being a participial suffix (probably comes from the idea of 'men who push, drive' that became the 'thing that pushes'.

(as for KOBUM - compare to Est., Fin., Karel. HOBUNE, HEVONEN, HEBOINE- 'a horse', not an unusual synonym for 'a boat').



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