Indo-Germanists (adepts of a theory that emerged in the 19th Century, along with Darwin's theory, aimed at a racist proof of the supremacy of the Germanic nations) acclaim that verb 'to buy' is from:
"Old English bycgan (past tense bohte) "to buy, pay for, acquire; redeem, ransom; procure; get done," from Proto-Germanic *bugjan (source also of Old Saxon buggjan, Old Norse byggja, Gothic bugjan), which is of unknown origin and not found outside Germanic."
Let's get beyond the Indo-Europeistic (Indo-Germanist) view and disregard their hypothetic 'Proto-German' and 'Pre-Indo-European' ('PIE') stems: let's compare verbs 'to buy', as well as a definitely related verb 'to pay' in a semantic cluster of related words in more than the 'I.-E.' languages, and see where they actually emerged (applying the true historic analysis, and not the Indo-Germanistic phantasies):
букча [bukcha] (Turkic) - a bag;
бохча [bohcha] (Ingush.) - a purse;
buksza (Hung.) - a purse;
bouge, bougette (Fr.) - leather bag, wallet, pouch; SIC considered to be the basis for budget.
buggjan (Old Saxon and Gothic), byggja (Old Scandinavian) - to buy.
byta (Sw.) - to change, to exchange.
bushel - English unit of measurement (e.g., of corn).
башлять [bashliat'] (dialectic Rus.) - to pay.
bakshish (Persian بخشش ) - a tip, donation, as well as a variety of some forms of corruption and bribery in the Middle East and South Asia.
bakhshīdan (Persian) - to give.
växla (Sw.), wechseln (Ger.) - to exchange.
pagare (Ital.), pagar (Sp.), payer (Fr.) - to pay.
賠 [Péi] (Chinese), ペ イ [Péi] (Jap.) - pay, refund, recover damages, incur losses, lose money in business, suffer a loss.
All these words, considering the regular sound changes, may have initially emerged from бэюксэ [beükse] (Evenkian) - a skin of a wild deer - which was used as a payment means, long before any coins were invented.
Source: Turkic-Ugro-Finnic (TUF) languages and peoples FB Group at Very likely the trade of wild deer skins and clothes made of them, was already taking place at about 10,500 Before Present, at a point where the Volga-Kama and Pechora water systems came close together about the midpoint of the Urals, where the reindeer (Altaic, Turkic) peoples would have met the boat (Finno-Ugric) peoples - to trade, to socialize, to find mates - and where the reindeer peoples would have also influenced the language of the boat peoples arriving there:
Source: studies by Andres Pääbo at Noticeable that bucks (a slang name for dollars) in the USA originated from similar goods exchange with Indians. It is at least documented that in 1748 a container of whisky was exchanged for 5 bucks (5 buck skins):
Source: Bags and packs were also initially made of buck's skin.
As well as püksid (Est.), pöksyt (Fin.), bikses (Latvian), buxa, byxor (Sw.), buxur (Icelandic.), bukse (Norw.), bukser (Dan.), Büxe, Bükse (Old Ger.) - trousers, pants.
As well as books (Eng.), Bücher (Ger.) with pages (Eng.), pagine (Ital.) - were made of the skin of:
бэюн [beün] (Evenkian), болан [bolan] (Tatar), бұғы [bugy] (Kazakh), бүга [buga] (Mongolian), bug'u [bugü] (Uzbek) - a wild deer, a wild buck; or
pukk (Est.), pukki (Fin.), bak (Hung.) - a goat; or
bika (Hung.) - a bull; or
buck (Eng.), बकरा [bakara] (Hindi); Bock (Ger.), etc. - a male goat, a ram, a male deer.
And any animals with horns were associated with 'Gods' (=goats), 'Боги' [Bogi] (=bucks) - the extraterrestrials with antennas on their helmets:
Source: studies by Erich von Daniken at And it is therefore that later all kings and khans made up a crown, initially similar to the horns of wild deer, TO REMIND the Gods, the Боги [Bogi] who visited our planet in the past:
Source: studies by Micheleangelo Naddeo at More English etymologies to come shortly.
This Article is part of a work on the New Etymological Dictionary of English, and the New Etymological Dictionary of Russian.
©Kalju Patustaja (Коля Бадусов)