Apr 11, 2010 01:31
I am about ready to strangle somebody.
I hate school, its not school it self that I hate but the sheer rigid inflexibility of the program. Because I started in January I am expected to study through the summer, understandable that is usually in this situation. How ever in my case what they have done is taken 15 weeks of classes and compressed them into 8 weeks of solid class from basically 830am-420pm Monday - Friday with little to no breaks. Then just for the fun of it they have done the same thing in the fall for the January start program and to my understanding the people that started in September resulting in a second 8 weeks with no breaks between classes.
No don't get me wrong I think its a stupid thing to do, but what annoys me is that if these semesters are anything like the one I am currently finishing then at least half these courses could be offered as online classes that started or finished on a normal term schedule. Which given how most of my irritation with school stems from trying to work nearly full time and attending school full time well trying to still find time to be a husband and parent. Needless to say sleep time is the only time I have room to cut out which has done nothing for my social skills.
Now just to add irritation to irritation, my boss is being unreasonable in her reasonableness we still never have a schedule more then the day before it is needed but has implied that it is entirely our fault that as we never tell her weeks in advance when we need time off. Funny I was fairly explicit during the school year I am only available on these days provided in writing seems to be plenty of notice to me, especially how I provided the time frame for the end of school as well as 4 weeks termination notice if she would like me to train a new auditor if need be should my availability be unsatisfactory.
The biggest problem I have is that her insistence that Sunday constitutes a weekend for those of us on midnights which anyone stopping to think about it would notice that we do the bulk of our shift if not the entirety on the following Monday which really makes it a weekday shift with Friday being a weekend shift. That coupled with her insistence that its a "Luxury" to know your shifts more then a week in advance unless you happen to work 9-5 only 5 days a week (or in our hotel basically just her), a "luxury" that regardless of shift or industry every other employer has managed to provide for at least the week following the one your actually on.
I am not overwhelmed with large problems, well aside from the ones that involve having a 150page assignment do and none of the rest of my group speaks English and/or attends classes regularly, but the small ones are starting to build up to epic proportions.