"I Gotta Baad Feeling about this. . . ."

Jul 26, 2004 04:39

Jake "Wheels" awoke at the crack of 1:34 p.m.to the sound of screaming on what was supposed to be a most delightful day."what the fuck" he said/thought to himself. "Tally Hoooo" he yelled as he ran down the stairs. Only to find a bratty neighbor kid screaming and pointing, and before looking in the direction of the childs pointing finger, "Wheels" tore a nearby Redwood tree from its roots and chucked it at the kid. When the little needle dick failed to notice a 50 foot tree coming at him and just barely missing him, Wheels knew something was afoot. Deciding to turn his head slightly to the left and seeing what Needledick was pointing at, Wheels heart started to race. He couldnt believe his eyes, and extra terristrial was mowing a grass(crop) circle into his lawn, with nothing but socks and sandals on. Thinking of the movie Signs, Wheels went for his supersoaker 5000, filled it up and started to pump it up. 20 minutes later Wheels was ready to fire. Trying to flank the alien who seemed to not notice Wheels because of his amazing stealth action, He went around the other side of the house. He crept and crawled, then pounced up from the bushed and started to shoot. " what the fuck, dude" the alien said " now im fucking wet, way to go, you know that movie was bullshit and sucked huge leathal weapon ass." Thats weird, Wheels completly understood the non-human. With water no use, Wheels went inside to grab some unbelievably sharp CUTco knives, ran back outside, to find the crop circle finished, the alien gone, and wheels' lawn mower gone. "Who steals a fucking lawn mower, that fuckrag is dead." of course this meant that a battle was going to ensue. Wheels went over to inspect the crop cicle more closely. "Oh Shit" wheels exclaimed. "Fuck some shit up 'round herre " had been mowed into Wheels grass, as cool as that was, he was not impressed.Wheels knew something had to be done, it was time to prevent something big, too big for him to take down alone. . . .re-enforcements were needed. and he knew exactly who to call...... coming soon, the next chapter

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who is Wheels going to call you might ask yourself?
well let me tell you. . . .
Billy "Reverse Backflip" Beechy
Rico "The Big Vig" Vigil
Al "insert hilarious name" Simmons
Joe "The Hammer" Mallet
Josh "I'm Not Fat" Tubbs
Mark "Six Shooter" Wator
and Ron "Blood God" Clark
those might just be a few of the peeps Wheels call, i have a few more up my sleeve, if you want in on this action let me know....
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