Title: Strange Rhythms
Rating: PG (for dark humor bordering on crack)
Pairing: Joker/Batman
Word count: 100
Disclaimer: I own nothing, suing is unnecessary.
Summary: The Joker enjoys music, just like everyone else, his is just a little more discordant.
The Joker thought himself a man of simple tastes. Perhaps a little eccentric, a little strange, but other people? Other people had exotic tastes - in everything, - unusual but, on the whole, woefully uninspired.
There was a simple beauty in the sound of falling rubble and shattering glass after a particularly satisfactory explosion; the screeching metal of a car crash; the insistent staccato of automatic gunfire; ripping flesh and the crunch of bone; the sound of utter terror.
And, on occasion, the Joker would enjoy the sultry tones, the rough rasp of the Batman.
It made for a very pleasing variation.