Jun 19, 2008 09:24
I've heard that the Christian Right is gearing up for a California-wide protest of gay marriage... I, myself, am not a proponent of gay marriage (*the horrors*), because we, as a group, seem to have not gotten the gay boyfriend thing down pat yet...
Anyhow, should anybody need an antidote or two to a bible thumper, and just for the record, anyhow, here are a few big whoopsies I've discovered, that ought to be safe enough (phasers set to Stun) to throw at 'the faithful', as they're pretty big bombs that should put the 'believer' into the precarious position of deciding which is wrong: God or The Bible.
In Genesis, which was written by Moses, Eden is a paradise for all creatures who've lived there, including the Serpent... Then two people who didn't know right from wrong appear, and acted like they owned the place. That'd suck for those who were living in peace and harmony before, so of course the creatures would want to quickly resolve Adam and Eve's ignorance. Now, god had forbade them to eat the apple, but how could they have known wether it was right or wrong to disobey until they ate it? And, given an infinite amount of time, which they actually had, to explore and sample the delights of Eden, wouldn't they have eventually gotten around to trying the apple, anyhow? As the story says, Eve saw that the tree and its fruit were pleasing to the eye, so had she wandered upon it alone, what with it being an unguarded attractive nuisance, and her, having the mind of a toddler (at what age do we begin to learn the lessons of right and wrong, anybody?), would have taken a bite anyhow. Why didn't god put a wall around the tree, if that was the one thing that he felt so strongly about not being touched? (again, you or I would lock up the poisons and put the breakables out of reach, and watch the pair of infant people like hawks if they were in our space, so its not unfair to ask why the hell wouldn't someone like God do the same? It doesn't make God seem very smart, predictive, or responsible, the verses that Moses wrote. Moses makes God out to be heavy-handed, vindictive, and oblivious to the hearts and minds of his creations. Not long after he banishes the 3, as Moses' story goes, and heaps on all kinds of curses that are pretty evil and unfair (and doesn't God especially, reap what he sows?), Moses then depicts God being quite mean to Cain, who had worked at least as hard as his brother on his given task, but wasn't getting a shred of credit. Of course there was going to be a fight...
I'd be wary to say that the real God was as oblivious as the pointy-haired boss... and surely, many scholars must have similar opinions, at least subconciously, with respect to the biblical character of the God of Eden. I turned my attention to Moses... Is there reason to suspect that Moses was not particularly impressed with the character of Yahweh? So much so that he would write a libelous account of God, preferring to go to Sheol or worse, rather than be where Yahweh's kind would be?
If Yahweh were to incarnate as human, and behave a manner similar to how he behaved around Moses, the human analog's accomplishments would be nearly indistinguishable from... Adolf Hitler.
Hitler put the Jews in labour camps. Yahweh marched the Jews through the desert for 40 years.
Hitler incinerated millions. Yahweh wiped out two of the 12 tribes in an instant.
Hitler invaded and conquered lands he had no right to. As did Yahweh.
Hitler made use of many psychologically oppressive tactics to keep the population in line. As did Yahweh. While there are numerous entries where Moses tries to beg out of leading the slaves away, Yahweh doesn't address his concerns. Hitler didn't follow many of the 10 commandments... well, neither did Yahweh.
Moses was heavy-hearted, a sin to the egyptians, ever since he killed one of the Pharoah's guards.
Why would a people choose such an unstable leader, who wouldn't be much unlike Bush, in IQ and past screwups...