Jan 12, 2005 18:29
The other day I was watching the movie 'School of Rock' and my landlord knocks on my door and says, "I got some more bad news, not only is the cable shut off, but we're out of oil. Which means you and I are both going to have a cold shower in the morning."
So I high tailed it over to my mom's house and showered there. I can't go without my shower, it's like my warm cup of coffee in the morning!
It's such a dilemma. I mean, I understand they're having tough times, after all he dude works at Walmart, his wife can't work because of health reasons and they've got two teenagers to feed. At the same time, I'm not playing them rent for nothing. It's not a huge biggie, I just hope they don't decide to raise my rent. I'm far from rich either. I really dig the place, but maybe I should look more into buying a small house or trailer. At least all this rent money won't go toward nothing.
On a different note...
After checking out more of Dave Quiggle's artwork, I'm getting stoked about getting another tattoo. I think his artistic style is awesome, plus the spiritual side of the art is great. I just wish there were more spiritual themed tattoo artists out there. More importantly, I'd like to get a tattoo that I'm sure no one else has, but sadly, I'm no artist, so I'll have to get something someone else has already created.