Sep 12, 2011 01:44
More than only James Hook reside in Neverland and, naturally, more than only James Hook require notification that Captain Darling has made her way back to these waters and doesn't much care to have to tell anyone twice that they should avoid remaining long in her path. The second time, one might presume, she stops using words - the early weeks are a lot of this, firmly setting back on a course that she considers rightfully hers to come and go from as she pleases. It doesn't suit her to be interfered with and so she ruthlessly discourages it, though she discourages less the rumour-mongering that follows her encounter with her former captain (yes, that seems like a suitable description for him). The so-recognizable coat fans old embers back into flame, long after most had lost interest in their proud stalemate. As long as they're both not allied and not immediately wrangling, they aren't nearly so much trouble as they might become in either of those instances...
But the Jolly Roger fired upon the Queen Margaret and my brother knows a bloke whose cousin was aboard when it all happened and you've seen, haven't you-
No one will speculate to her face, naturally, but that doesn't mean it fails to reach her ears or that it doesn't cast a curious light on the trading she does, reestablishing herself and bringing in curiosities of a place she calls 'Xanadu' and won't part with the charts to. That, too, becomes another rumour and it is so entertaining to be talked about, sometimes. She finds it's rather like being in a story written by a hundred authors that speak in one curious voice - and then even she and Hook are subject to the laws of narrative convention. For instance, it dictates that they must meet again and so she won't be even the littlest bit surprised when it comes to pass. Admittedly, she isn't anticipating him this evening, as she emerges from the offices of her man in port, a bit heavier in pocket and quite thoughtful. It pays to have contacts, she finds, and having someone to maintain those in her absence is a terribly useful thing.
That doesn't mean she bothers heeding any of his warnings, mind, but Wendy has never much cared for those.
!scene: captain hook