Down and Up in Toledo

Jun 19, 2006 22:22

My week catagorized in con's and pro's, yes I wrote that backwards bc the con's outweight the pro's by far.

- A 39 year old hit on Sammie, mind you she is 15! I guess the song is true "Age ain't nothing but a number"
- He then proceded to tell my friend we should all pop pills and overdose like its a joke, mind your her mom died of that
- We went to Marathon on South and Andy pulled in with two girls to start drama
- I got into a fight which in turn caused Heather's rear window to shatter, mind you we will fuck her car up! Big Learch (Janea') I will fuck your ugly ass up!
- My dog pees on the floor when shes excited
- People at work dont do their job and then im stuck doing 8 loads of laundry nad I get into trouble bc of my over time.
- I dyed my hair and its ugly
- My car caught on fire today, woot!

+ I love my friends
+ I love my Bobby
+ I love my Angel
+ Chris makes me smile
+ Me and Heathen walked blocks to get some subs and mine dropped on the cement, but it was funny
+ I got gummie bears
+ Bobby rubs my tummy when im sleeping and kisses me again while im sleeping or when he 'thinks im sleeping'!
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