Interview magic! Also, reviews and costumes

Oct 28, 2009 21:32

Check the interview with Sterling Gates about World's Finest out!

Mah favorite part:

That issue is a blast. I love Stephanie Brown a lot. Since I learned that she was going to be Batgirl, I’ve been dying for her and Supergirl to team up.

Stephanie and Kara have had tough lives as super-heroines, and I thought they’d get along really, really well. They both look as they leap, rather than exercising a lot of caution or analyzation. They’re both trying to live up to the families that have accepted them. And the pair of them really hit it off. Two old friends who didn’t know they were friends yet. Through Issue #3 - and even through some of #4 - you see their relationship and their friendship blossom.


How much do I love Sterling Gates? Not only did he fix the mess Kara was in and make her a good character, he's a STEPH FAN! I swear, if I ever see this man at Heroes, I will glomp him so hard! And it's not hyperbole or anything, since he didn't say he loved any other characters.

And Steph and Kara are going to be friends! That's so awesome, and you know, they do have a lot in common. Which is hilarious, since Steph has NOTHING in common with Kara before Gates (with help from Bedard and Puckett) got a hold of her.  In fact, Steph would have throttled Sexayedgyanger!Kara within five minutes of meeting her.

I mean look at this:


Steph is like"Robin is here to kick some ass and be happy and heroic!" and Supergirl is like "I am here to be coquetteish and come hither and cock my hips and show my midriff!" Those two girls would not get along. At all.

But now Kara is cool and Steph is still cool so of course they'd get along great! They are  both impulsive and have a lot to live up to- and have their fair share of screw ups to live down. So now they are going to be awesome friends and have an awesome comics teamup and I can't wait! Oh, I even want to do a Nevtoon, but I probably won't because I don't have time.

And the best news? Steph's going to be in issue #4 of the mini too! Oh, I can't wait!

Okay, I know I'm behind on reviews, so I give you short ones:

Booster Gold #25:

Booster:Booster is sweet to Dick. Awww.

Bluee Beetle: Milagro is just so awesome. She has Booster and Beetle make out! And Jaime is slightly mopey, but he'll get over it and hey! He doesn't buy any of Black Beetle's crap!

Booster: 2/5, Beetle: 4/5

Secret Six #14

Deadshot saves his teamates and shoots the baddie awesomely. Wonder Woman and Artemis hug awesomely. Ragdoll imbeds wrenches in people's heads awesomely. Bane tries to fire Scandal. That is not going work out. But I love Bane anyway. He cares so much and is so polite!

Supergirl #45

Supergirl and Thara make up and it is sweet. Though seriously, Kara, you didn't think there were gods? How long have you BEEN in the DCU?  I love Kara's expression when she teases Thara, it's cute. And Lois stabs Reactron with a pen! I'm looking forward to the more standalone Supergirl centric issues coming up though, Gates is at his best when he's not mired in crossovers.


Power Girl #6

Jeez, Karen, way to suck at your secret identity. And I'm pretty sure those alien girls should be punished even if it was an accident they killed that guy. They were waving around a deadly weapon, that counts as intent to use, therefore that's murder. at the very least what they did was manslaughter.  But thanks to Conner, it's all adorable anyway, and I love how Karen actually tries to understand and help the baddies. And I love the friendship with Terra.


Done with that! In other news, I'm going to revamp the costume section of the Steph wiki, to make it more comprehensive and in the vein of Carol Strickland's History of the Wondie Suit, 

Like just a totally obsessive look at every minor costume change! It'll be fun because I love being obsessive! Anyway, I'll do it sometime, the costume section has needed revamping for a while.

PS think I'm gonna be Young Justice style Cassie Sandsmark for Halloween- this version since I already have the shirt:


secret six, world's finest, power girl, cassandra sandsmark, blue beetle, kara zor-el, jaime reyes, costume drama, supergirl, wiki, stephanie brown, booster gold, reviews

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