And I was just discussing covers!
Oh God. Under other circumstances I would love Steph joining the Titans. She could smack Tim whenever he started to angst and it would be so glorious.
But I do. Not. Trust. Mckeever. At. All. Especially after that Wendy and Marvin shit. Being a Titan is a death sentence. Either that or you become emo. THERE IS NO OTHER WAY.
Unless you are Jaime, I hope.
Goddammit. Steph deserves to be on a superhero team. But I'm sure McKeever's writing will make me cry. And Barrow's art. Though she doesn't look too bad on this cover, aside from the fact she has TWO legbands and they are yellow, but apparently I'm the only one who keeps track of that stuff.
Calm down, Nev. She probably won't join. It's a tryout. She'll just be humiliated or something.
Yeah, I know, Steph, I'm sorry.
The worst thing is I'll have to pick this up. Because if it has Steph in it, I can't resist. It's how I am.
Okay, I'm not quite as upset as this post makes it seemed. In fact, I'm partway curious to see how Steph will react to all the emo. But I am also scared out of my mind.
Moving on, I totally thought Misfit was Brenda there, and was so confused. But apparently it is Charlie and she is not wearing her mask for some reason. But wtf with Jaime even inviting Traci 13? Has he lost his mind? Or does he want his girlfriend to die?
I feel Mia is safe on this team for some reason. I don't know why, but I do. God, and I wanted a Speedy/Spoiler team up. Just not like this.
Also, if I was Supergirl I would be all NO THANKS after the way Cassie treated her.
And Tim is a giant. Now you know.
Teen guest stars galore! With only four members left, it's time for the Teen Titans to hold a recruitment drive! Who will make the cut, and who will be sent packing? Who will refuse to even show up, and who will bring a boatload of trouble with them?
Please refuse to show up, Steph. Please.
Also, it is hilarious the Teen Titans only has four members left. Who would join a team who loses members at that rate?
Edit: I'd love to have Steph on the team if she did this every time Tim started whining:
But alas, that would require good writing, and happy funny things being associated with the Teen Titans, and we can't have that. I imagine Tim and Steph's interactions in the issue will be more like this:
Steph: ...