Super Mega Batgirl Review the thirteenth

Aug 18, 2010 17:29

It's that time again! I am in full Batgirl mode with my action figures, having just finished writing my Batgirls fanfic at last (So expect quicker updates! And feedback is appreciated alwaysssss), excited for the possible return of Cass in Red Robin (I demand she and Steph get back together and be my favorite partners again immediately) AND I finally got someone to help me co-run the wiki! Her name is VeronicaEatsLemons and she's super nice and great!

So let's get down to reviews!

Page 1: So, Steph is spending her college offtime playing ping pong in the rec room. I did that once last year and ended up maiming several people! Maiming as in I hit them with the ball. Anyway, love the faux-fight dialogue and "that's never stopped me before" from Steph. Because nothing ever stops her! Yay!

Page 2/ 3: Since I automatically associate everything with Harry Potter, I imagine that the Padma Steph is playing is Padma Patil.  I like that Steph's ping pong game is so epic that several people apparently decided to stand around and watch. Also that she apparently yells BOOM! whenever she cores. Padma seems a little bit to into the game, but you have to admire her sense of drama about going double paddle.

Page 4/5: I have to agree with Steph there, Wendy, saying "po-po" just makes you sound silly. Batgirl can go a little heavy on the slang sometimes, I notice. Pai pointed it out on her blog recenrly. It's mostly fine, since Miller seems to have a better handle on how hyperactive teens talk than most writers, but it might make the books seem dated in a few years (Like how they always said "blast it!" in old eighties comics. Though I'm fairly sure NO one ever talked like that) And stuff like Steph's "O" nickname for Oracle makes sense because it takes shorter to say, and Steph's always been a nicknamer ("Boy Virgin", anyone?) Anyway, time for dramatic batshadow!

Page 5/6: So, there's a shoot out and Detective Gage is snarky about it.

Page 7/8: Turns out he might have a dead wife or something. *sigh* Maybe they're just divorced. Whatever, I don't even care, let's get back to Steph!

Page 9: Who saves Gage's butt in a big splash page with a smile on her face, informing Nick happily that he is the damsel in distress, clearly estatic that she gets to genderbend a cliche. And I love her for it.

Page 10/11:  Nick makes a terrible pun and Wendy has an opportunity to tease Steph about her crush. Steph gets to order the police around, which I'm sure makes her feel all proud and happy. Steph finds out she has to hold the bank hostage. I suppose Wendy having less mojo than Babs makes it more challenging for Steph, which is one reason she's useful. Oh, another tiny problem I have with Miller's style- he uses quotation marks around random phrases too much. "Free thinker" doesn't have to be in quote marks, we get that Wendy's paraphrasing Babs without that.

Page 12/13: Yes, the woman in the batcostume is robbing your bank, mindless crowd. Don't they read the news? And Steph has gooperangs!

Page 14/15: Steph has X:ray vision! I'm not art just has her eyes randomly glow, I think it's meant to be like lenses slide down over her eyes, as done previously. Anyway, Clayface is impersonating the wife and breaking into the vault. He also gets all exorcist head and squishy and teeth sharpy.

Page 16: Steph, telling the villian you think he's going to kill you soon if you don't change venues is not good trashtalk at all, okay.

Page 17/18: So of course Clayface pulls the"two Batgirls at once" trick. Detective Gage is dissapointed by such a cliched tactic. Then Steph decides to be totally badass and smart and yells at Gage to shoot her because she'll bleed. <3 Steph the pragmatic determinator. So of course Gage shoots the other one.

Page 19/20: Steph does what she's good at and uses her surroundings at Wendy's hesitant suggestion. Gage is totally late on the "Freeze" effort, and refused to high five Steph, which is so rude! What, if he too good to high five?

Page 21/22: Steph squees to herself over Gage liking her. Well, I guess she could do worse, being Steph and all. Anyway, turns out Clayface wanted a picture of his dead wife. *plays world's smallest violin* Gage decided to get all mopey and run off. Whatever, man. Next up is Supergirl and vampires!

This was a decent one off, fillerish, but with some fun moments. Perez's art was pretty close to Garbett's, so no problems there (Though I notice Steph has bootrolls ala Spoiler). 4/5

Now quick reviews for other comics!

BoP #4

I utterly adored this. Even the art didn't seem as bad as usual. The reveal of who White Canary was was something I didn't see coming, but a great callback to a nice plotline from the old series and it was one that won't piss anyone off. Dinah got to be badass (and I love Gail's clever acknowledgement of recent OOCness, as well as Dinah caring for Sin being clear and being called on her abandonment). Even Dove got to be badass!

Loved the scene with Savant. No one's evil or dead, Savant is just super messed up like he's always been. And Oracle jumping out of her chair to save him, and Creote finally going against Savant's orders to save him, capped off with someone FINALLY telling Savant Creote loves him- just perfect heart string tuggers.

And Shiva coming up! I hope this means Cass shows up too. Gail hinted on her tumblr she might be writing Steph and Cass together. WOULD THAT NOT BE THE BEST EVER?

This book is finally back to being awesome. Oh, BoP, I missed you.


JLI #6

Torn on whether to continue buying this. I like Rocket Red, and it continues to be okay, and of course I like the characters...but it's sort of blah, and a bi-weekly book is expensive. Two more issues, I figure.

Booster Gold #Iforget

I LOVE BIG BARDA SO MUCH. Highfather's hemmeroids! Full on goofy JLI fun, and I adore the moment where Ted informs Booster that of COURSE he knows this is future Booster, they are best friends, DUH (and also his hair is thinning in the back :D) Followed by heartbreaking dialogue of course.


I forgot to get Unwritten, how could I! Will get it this week.

super mega batgirl, birds of prey, jl, jli, batgirl, stephanie brown, booster gold, reviews

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