Diary of an architecture widow

May 25, 2009 19:15

Those of you from up north no doubt have very fond memories of the Hancock Museum: Egyptian mummies, Abel's Ark of stuffed animals, the rhinocerous outside. This weekend, the brand new Great North Museum: Hancock opened and it is absolutely amazing.

I know I kind of have to say that as it is my organisation that is responsible for it, but even if I hadn't spent the last week working 10 hour days to show it off to stakeholders, business partners, natural history societies and university employees I would say the same!

I really enjoy being involved in huge (by huge I mean £27 million!) projects, and am kind of sad I only got to be involved in the final stages of this one but it was still wonderful.

Did I mention I love museums? I am turning into an absolutely geek for all things heritage and museum-related, especially Romans and Hadrian's Wall, and can't bloody wait to start my MA. It is lovely to know that this is the sector, and even the organisation, that I want to keep working in and that there are so many people in it who work for a pittance because they love their subject so much.

I haven't minded the 10 hour days because Matthew is rarely at home these days. He is coming towards the end of his degree and puts my long hours to shame, working in the studio from 9am till after 2 or 3am every night. He has his internal exam on Wednesday and then 2 weeks before his external exam (during which he can still add more work) so our life is kind of on hold until then. I still feel like it's winter because summer doesn't start until we can do stuff together. I can't believe there are two bank holiday weekends in May that are no good to us!

I have been rather good at running the house in his absence I must say. I've been trudging down to Morrisons every week and managing to struggle back with £50 worth of shopping and have planted a whole bed of potatoes on the allotment. The house is an absolute tip however as we are both so busy. I can't wait for the summer. We're probably not even going to get to go anywhere as we are stone cold broke (though I finally got out of my student overdraft this month- 3 years after graduating!), not helped by the printing costs for M's work being £160! But, I have plans to walk some of Hadrian's Wall, spend some long weekend at M's grandparents' caravans and try to get up to a Scottish island for a few days.

Today I carried out the glamourous task of organising a 38 page long hotmail account and succeeded! It made me a bit misty-eyed reading all my old emails, especially those between Matthew and I when I was in Peru.

I am rubbish at ending entries. I will finish on a recommendation: get on i-player and watch either Owen Sheers' poetry programme about landscape poetry (Sylvia Plath one presented an entirely new perspective on her) or 'The Incredible Human Journey' which is absolutely fascinating. Last night I learned that Neanderthals and Homo Sapiens were on earth at the same time. Is that common knowledge?
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