The Angel fic that broke

Oct 30, 2008 23:08

So yeah! Trying this because this story seriously needs to be put to rest.

The one where TegoMassu are Angels Only Massu Forgot )

finished!, f: je

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cynicalism October 31 2008, 13:32:07 UTC
...i love this.

also i hate you. now all i want to do is take this fic home and feed it and feed it and dress it in questionable fashion and feed it and make disgusting gurgling noises at it. and feed it. WHY DID YOU HVE TO BRING UP THE IDEA OF ADOPTION.


in your universe-- cynicalism October 31 2008, 21:42:53 UTC
fucking things up. sorry. but it's all your fault.

Tegoshi's trying, and that's saying a lot since Tegoshi hasn't had to try at anything since he was born. Since before then, even. But nothing seems to even graze the surface of Yamapi's expression; he smiles when he's told, he frowns when he's told, but the rest of the time he looks ambivalent.

He doesn't get angry. Not really. Despite Tegoshi's best efforts, nothing seems to make him tick--not even that time he lost a game of cards seven times in a row. He got annoyed, yes, it showed in the slant of his eyebrows and the twitching corners of his mouth, but it was a shallow indent at best ( ... )


Re: in your universe-- cynicalism October 31 2008, 21:44:34 UTC
Eventually Tegoshi loses sight of the mission. Sort of. It's in the back of his mind constantly, Yamapi's happiness, but Tegoshi finds he's in no rush. Yamapi's making progress steadily, in Tegoshi's eyes, and a part of him, the selfish part of him, somewhere deep down in him heart, thinks that he wouldn't mind living this life just a little longer; being with all these people just a little longer ( ... )


Re: in your universe-- cynicalism October 31 2008, 21:46:18 UTC

To say Tegoshi's disappointed when he gets to the studio would be unfair to Massu; because Massu's always been a breath of fresh air even in his unhappiest moments. But he can't help but feel a twinge of something sharp and painful--guilt--when he realizes that no one else from the group is there; not Kusano, not Uchi, not Ryo or Shige or Koyama. Not Yamapi.

"--debut as a duo. What do you think?" Johnny finishes. Tegoshi blinks and looks to Massu for clarification, but Massu is sitting there in deep contemplation.

"And...And NewS?" Massu ventures, hesitantly. And Tegoshi realizes what exactly they're both here for: a duo group apart from NewS, away from NewS. He feels his throat tighten.

"This will only be while NewS is on an indefinite hiatus," Johnny begins, steepling his fingers. "Think of it as a temporary arrangement, while we work things out." He pauses. "You both miss singing, don't you?"

It's Tegoshi that finds his voice first. "Yes," he says, and Massu looks at him in surprise. "But NewS--NewS"Will be back eventually ( ... )


Re: in your universe-- cynicalism October 31 2008, 21:47:16 UTC

He gets drunk in Sweden.

He's depressed and reckless and in a new country and so fed up with himself and so haunted by the image of Yamapi's blank stare that he can't help it; tears into the minibar in their hotel room after the meet and greet with dozens of fans who know him only as one part of Tegomass and not as one part of NewS. Soon he's drunk enough that Yamapi's face in his memory is more of a blur than anything else, a blur with more expression and more liveliness than Yamapi currently has, and it somehow makes Tegoshi feel better. Then Massu comes in ( ... )


Re: in your universe-- cynicalism October 31 2008, 21:48:23 UTC
When Tegoshi opens his eyes, he's met with the sight of pure white everywhere around him. It's a sight that's achingly familiar, and Tegoshi something stir in his chest ( ... )


mycroftnext November 1 2008, 05:08:54 UTC
I love you so much! How adorable are you to go in a finish it for her?? You are officially the High Priestess of Massu-worship. And TegoMassu worship.


cynicalism November 1 2008, 16:24:04 UTC
Not adorable. Just crazy and crazy in love with pero's plot. ;_______; IT WAS TEGOMASS AS ANGELS HOW COULD I RESIST.


Re: in your universe-- peroxidepest17 November 1 2008, 05:52:41 UTC
LOL Clearly we need to post this as a finished collaboration, Cyn.



Re: in your universe-- cynicalism November 1 2008, 16:53:45 UTC
ROFL it's your reputation on the line.

i really loved this plot too much pero. ;______; ♥


Re: in your universe-- peroxidepest17 November 1 2008, 18:07:10 UTC
By our powers combined we are like, 6300 words cyn. I'm totally putting it up, for the record.

Also, I had the working title "The Way Back Home" but if you can think of something better I am letting you decide.


Re: in your universe-- cynicalism November 1 2008, 18:17:56 UTC
o god are you really? oh uhm, well. i will at least be glad i wrote less of it than you did. seriously. i got back from my last class that day and just wrote for two hours straight, no joke. lkhadaskhd why are your ideas so shiny.

kljsd totally your decision. i am mostly bad with titles and i like yours anyway. *___*


Re: in your universe-- peroxidepest17 November 1 2008, 18:18:49 UTC
I AM REALLY. Because I am excited about collab okay, no one ever wants to write with me. :P



Re: in your universe-- cynicalism November 1 2008, 18:22:22 UTC


Re: in your universe-- peroxidepest17 November 1 2008, 18:40:11 UTC


Re: in your universe-- cynicalism November 1 2008, 22:04:49 UTC


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