Another reactions post
Awkward Summary Is Awkward! "Dad died, and that was it." "He is very handsome." Uh. What? I am glad I watched the last episode. Why can't they do voiceover recaps anymore?
Thing I forgot to mention last time: I hate dramatic music. Another reason why modern TV is often not my thing.
Holy shit, GWEN. I really disliked her in series one and two, but she's actually very awesome here. Very much liking the general badassitude.
My love for hard-eyed bureaucrats only grows. Trying to cope with difficult decisions, even when there's no promise of good results.
PC Aaaaandy. Every episode is better with him in. "What kind of terrorist shoots your wheels?"
Ianto: much worse at being on the run than Gwen. Not that he isn't doing ok, but he just generally doesn't seem to have much of a plan.
See, I think this is a good example of why I don't think I'm watching this right: good secretary tries to find out the truth from bad bureaucrats! Only I watch it as nosy secretary tries to worm out information instead of actually doing her job. I know that speak when spoken to thing is supposed to strike me as faintly misogynistic and generally out of keeping with modern values, but it is also part of what makes a good office secretary at a secure area like the Home Office, whether male, female, or whatever.
I take back what I said about Gwen, a little. Using an ATM while on the run is a crazy-bad idea. Nothing much gets made of it, unfortunately.
I loved every moment of the Ianto + Sister interaction.
Just realized the PM is played by Nicholas Farrell. Very odd- hadn't noticed before because of his glasses. He used to be on Mystery! all the time.
Ianto's forklift had me grinning. Very well paced there.
Oh, Mr. Dekker, you creepy old man. I love you even more than my bureaucrats, Frobisher and Spears.
Oh, man, I forgot the moral. Um. Moral of the story: circulate descriptions of suspects when you're holding their leader captive! Keep photos for the guardhouse to refer to! Godammit, you guys.
NEXT TIME: guns, guns, guns, red lights, Jack making faces, guns.
tl;dr: Still tightly paced, still watching it wrong.