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reaperangelique July 21 2010, 12:32:57 UTC
I get this. So, so much. I'm incapable of writing or saying anything when I get like this, I end up crying it out. It's like a sadness or a desperation to be understood. Your point about no one understanding or listening- I completely get that. My father, on the subject of my injury which is physically cured but screwed with my head a little- 'Get over it.' I've started to believe that whole AT Field thing from Eva- people shut themselves off from others and don't try to understand because it's easier.
It doesn't make you sound bitchy or whiny. I've felt exactly- and I mean exactly- the same way, and it's better to talk/write about these things. I really hope you do feel better. <3


never_will July 21 2010, 19:08:07 UTC
Usually I just need to distract myself when I feel like that, because when I start writing about it, I just end up feeling sorry for myself.

Your dad sounds like kind of a jerk. Also, injury? /so nosy you have no idea

I do feel much better, thank you! It was just sort of like a passing emo-shower.


reaperangelique July 22 2010, 12:06:54 UTC
Slipped disc. It sounds ridiculous even to me, but I have gaps in my memory because of it- it was traumatically painful. And I was shut in and pretty much crippled for several months. And yeah, my dad is a jerk. I love him and he's always done his absolute best for me, but he's a jerk. It's through misunderstanding rather than intentional meanness though.

I'm glad you feel better! I had an emo-shower the other day, I brought down half my roleplay forum with me. Oops. ^^;


never_will July 22 2010, 19:51:52 UTC
Ooh, ouch. I can imagine that would be pretty painful. The worst pain I've ever experienced is when I got my wisdom teeth taken out, and I would have probably gladly jumped off a building if I knew it would make my face stop hurting, so I totally get you on that.

Ha, yeah, well. Just as of late I've been feeling really pathetically woeful and it's starting to get a little alarming, because, seriously, I was FINE this weekend and now I'm all WOE IS ME MY LIFE IS PAIN.

By the waaaay, do you have gmail or msn or anything like that? 'Cause I've noticed that you seem to like RPing, and I also enjoy RPing, and the more people you have to bother with your ridiculous ideas the better. (Also, I am ALL ALONE OH MY GOD. ;_; All of the people I normally talk to have left me.)


reaperangelique July 22 2010, 20:05:01 UTC
It was like torture. *shudder*

Yeah, I've been a bit weird. Probably PMS.

I have AIM- sweetviennetta@aim.com -and I'm on LJ Talk, too. I normally RP Hetalia, but I'll give anything a try if you like.


never_will July 22 2010, 20:08:17 UTC
I can imagine.

That is possible. I did start my period a couple of days ago and that's when it started. ;_; But I usually never have that problem. I get crampy and a little irritable, not emo.

I have added you on AIM. :D I'm meretriviality. I RP, uh, lots of things, really. Right now I'm on a big TWEWY kick, but if it has characters and I've seen it, I'll RP it. I also have some OCs and enjoy crossovers.


reaperangelique July 22 2010, 20:13:36 UTC
I added you ^^ Yeah, I'll try anything, so long as there's a character I feel I can get a grip on.


never_will July 22 2010, 20:18:10 UTC
Yaay~ Now you've signed yourself up to the Be Bothered By Edoro program! It's completely free and you probably shouldn't try to unsubscribe. I hate breakin' kneecaps. Features include: Daily Woe! A Barrage of Increasingly Ridiculous Ideas! Various NSFW Links! Being Asked to Draw Things Constantly! And much, much more!

Me too. I'm also willing to try most characters at least once, although there are a couple I've never done and don't feel too confident about. Lol.


reaperangelique July 22 2010, 20:35:51 UTC
Sounds awesome to me. XD

There's an arrogant writerly part of me that insists I should be able to turn my hand to any character, but the rest of me is like 'Uh...no.' My major character is Austria from Hetalia. I play him like a whore though. XDD


never_will July 22 2010, 20:39:28 UTC

Lol, yeah, I know what you mean. "I AM WRITOR, I SHOULD BE ABLE TO DO ANYTHING" and then you're all WAAAAAH why isn't it WORKING.

My major characters are...oh man. Lol. Well, I'm pretty much always Sho and Kitaniji. Sometimes I do Hanekoma. I have extensive headcanon for Def March, so I can be pretty much any of those guys, and if I have Kariya and Uzuki I'm usually Kariya. Other'n that, it's whatever, and any of those are subject to change. I haven't actually done anything in any other fandoms for a while, soo... Lol.


reaperangelique July 22 2010, 20:46:03 UTC
ZOMG, I would love to be the Uzuki to your Kariya. Or the Konishi to your Sho. I'm at my best with uptight charas, or really loud ones. One extreme or the other ^^; Says a lot about me.


never_will July 22 2010, 20:49:24 UTC
Lol, that sounds like a ridiculous come on. "I'll be your scheming ice-bitch any day!" Shonishi and UzukiKariya are both awesome. They're like the only het pairings I really like. /gays it up so much you have no idea

That's awesome because no one else I know likes being those two. :D

Konishi acts really uptight, but she seems like the kind of lady who is also very in control of her own sexuality and isn't going to take any bullshit about it. If she wants sex, she's gonna go have some sex, and she is not going to feel bad about it or be coy or anything.

Alternately, she'll hatch an epic plot to seduce the object of her momentary affection, because that's just how she rolls.

(Uzuki is just loud. Lol. Also, I have this theory that she probably penetrates Kariya at least as often as he does her.)

((You may have noticed that all of my discussions eventually turn to sex. I...don't really have an excuse for that.))


reaperangelique July 22 2010, 20:59:30 UTC
Lmao, I have the dirtiest mind, you have no idea. I rp porn all the time. I'm doing it right now in fact. I tend to have a few het pairings in every fandom that I love, and then a big yaoi free-for-all. Yay, sodomy. ^^

Konishi hatching an epic plot to get some; I love it. XDD
My mental image of Uzuki penetrating Kariya.../brb loling forever XDD


never_will July 22 2010, 21:02:54 UTC
:D Me too! It's just all porn, all the time. The worst part is that sometimes I suck at RPing porn, but I really WANT some. Lol.

You know she would. She'll plot to bring them together and then her shirt will accidentally fall off or something.

Uzuki has SEVERAL strap-ons. Of varying length, girth, and realism. >D (I don't know why, but she just strikes me as pretty kinky.)


reaperangelique July 22 2010, 21:11:56 UTC
I'm lucky, my forum has a chatbox where we all gather and act like idiots, and invariably someone will get laid. I have my own harem. XDD

I can see Uzuki being kinky. Something about that whole gloved sweater thing...


never_will July 22 2010, 21:14:29 UTC
Sounds fun. Lol.

Just something about her. Mm, kinky Uzukis. Tyin' their Kariyas up and fuckin' 'em...

(Kariya's all like, "Hellz yeah, she likes doing all the work.")


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