Good news on the family front: my Dad and my Grandad should both be going home in a few days. The bleeding on my Dad's brain has stopped - he's even walking around and talking on the phone. Grandad isn't recovering as quickly, but he's about to be 93, so he's entitled. However, like I said, the doctors expect to release him by the start of next week, so yay.
Work? Kinda sucking.
One of the awesome benefits of being a senior member of the lab (and isn't that a depressing fucking thought) is that I get to train any new people that come in. I've trained 5 people so far. Some good. Some not so good. Some, we had to ask to leave.
This new one, though? Holy shit. I'm counting down the days until he leaves for numerous reasons, which I will now list...
1.) He's not motivated - even with instructions written down in front of him, he will just sit there and stare off into space unless I am there telling him to do EVERY SINGLE STEP.
2.) He doesn't seem to have much common sense - we're working with HAZARDOUS CHEMICALS and he just touches it to his arm. Like, seriously. Just touches it to his arm. And I see it, thinking, "Do I need to be calling a suicide hotline for you? Go WASH YOUR FUCKING ARM!" (I actually say that last part aloud.)
[...I'll cut the majority of the reasons in order to save on space and time (and so I won't feel the need to call the suicide hotline for myself)...]
398.) And he doesn't seem to understand that the basic stuff that we do everyday? Yeah, he should remember that because we will use it again tomorrow. And the day after. And the day after that. No, we will not use it just this once so he can forget all about what I've spent hours teaching him. And no, despite continually doing it, I don't like having to explain this same BASIC THING to him EVERYDAY. Hard to believe, right?
And on that note, I should head over to the Career Fair over on main campus so I can convince all the happy little undergrads that grad school is what they really want to do. < / sarcasm >