Aaaaannnnnd.... I have received yet another review. It's cer-razy!
This time for
Belonging, review by the scary people at
The Tenth Doctor visits Jack. Takes place after Exit Wounds and Journey's End. The story is written in first person, from Jack's viewpoint. While the Jack voice is not always convincing, it's mostly all right. The writing style is reasonably good, the author knows how to punctuate, and the first three chapters are decent.
Er... well. I understand they have a lot of long fics to go through, so I didn't really expect too much in the way of an in-depth discussion of the plot and my fic's merits, or otherwise. Could have been worse, I guess. In fact, judging by some of the other reviews in the same batch, it could have been a lot worse. Yikes.
At least they acknowledged my awesome punctuation skillz, for which I am eternally grateful. And more pleased than you would probably guess.
I love punctuation. Seriously, I do.