theres not alot of things to talk about my summer so heres a recap of it.
- went to atlanta with breana which kicked ass might i say <3
- went to Montana and Idaho with natalie and her family
- camp in gainsville with breana, again..
- MAINE <3 what to say about it. its so different, especially with 18 kids there
now im back and another stupid hurricane is coming. yay no school friday. everyone is leaving tomorrow though. tatums going to vegas.. im jealous lol <3
alot of people at lakehighland have changed this year. for the better and the worst. for the most part worse but you know you cant expect much its LH camille and i are becoming really good friends again i love it. shes so much fun i always can count on having a good time with her ilu cammie!!
hm whatelese to say. thanks kaitin for helping me out with this jounral thing also to emma i love you girls
that thing for english, the friendship thing made me think alot about how very few true friends i have. i may have just casual friends but true friends always matter in the end.
ya i dont have much to say tonight, i might be posting later on tonight if anything interesting happens.
ps. im making my journal friends only so comment to be added bitches