Jun 22, 2004 20:18
its been brought to my attention that a girl from my school, has just recently lost my respect...although i didnt have respect for her anyways but still.
i'm not going to write a huge entry ripping on her, because we arent that good of friends, she rubs me the wrong way. o well yet another typical person of lake highland.. well i became friends with 1 girl again. sort of glab all of the fighting has been cut at the worst place..
well today was actully very fun
i woke up to breana's phone call. she soon came over and we ranted through my mothers old yearbooks. quite inriguing, i thought. then we went on an epoch journey tp the butterfly garden.. wow that was an expirience to remember.. well when we got there we found the park maitnence place. we went through ALL the stuff.such as signs paint there was even a HUGE sled ther.. then Breana and i started up some john deer trucks but then Breana saw a man.. in a truck driving torwards us.. but o well he didnt hear the ear pinching noises.. and then we painted on this little wood thing "rone <3" it was neato. then we found hard hats and came back and washed them up so now we are officially the "city of winter park maitnece staff" and then to top it off we stole a sunflowerrrr yayaya! so it was pretty cool.. hoping to so it again sometime
well then breana left and i just got finished with my readdddddding of the day and im bored as hell i dont know what im going to do tomorrow i think i might go to the YYMMMMCCA!! yay.. well if you want to meeet up tomorrow or tomorrow night.. just i.m. im sure i'll be on since i have no life.. well david, i think hes sad and i dont want him to be sad.. i know hes the one that always cheers me up when im upset but i dont like seeing him like this i love you joe so so so much <3 im almost done with my sexy vinos website.. i will be postin it very soon i love you
im me with plans *