Nov 06, 2010 22:25
[Spy knew, from the moment he put that candy in his mouth, that things would most likely go horribly wrong. And, lo and behold, he was right! His skin is alabaster-pale rather than swarthy and French, his hair seems to be blowing in a nonexistent breeze and shining a lot more than it really should, his teeth are pearly white rather than stained from years of smoking and... well... he's sparkling. There's no other way to put it. Oddest of all, he has the strange desire to creep into the rooms of all of the pretty ladies in Mayfield and Sniper's rape van and just... watch them sleep. Luckily, he's thus-far been able to hold himself back. Instead, he puts out a phone call. It is unclear to whom, so feel free to assume!]
I must discuss somezhing with you in a frank and open manner. I am not sure if you will ever know zhe true me-- I am too dangerous, too mysterious, to get close to. I am... sorry. I know zhat is what you want: to know me on zhe deepest levels, to be as I am.
But I cannot allow my own reckless needs to put you in danger! Alors, I must bid you adieu, mon chou-fleur. Do not try to find me.
[Unfortunately, this is Mayfield, and he can't go far. The sparkles are also very hard to miss. Tonight, you can find him:
A: At the park, sitting on a bench and reading a book of what looks like flowery love poems.
B: At the general store, apparently unable to decide between brands of toothpaste.
C: In your room or rape van! Aaaah!]
!event: week old candy,