
Oct 20, 2010 19:56

[Action; Himeno; BACKDATED to right after Grady's visit]

[Spy waits until the man has been gone for a few minutes before stalking into the living-room after Himeno. No matter where she is, no matter what she's doing, he's going to attempt to grab her by the shoulders and lean in as close as possible so that she hears everything he says.]

What in zhe world did you think you were doing, you imbecile! You could have ruined everyzhing. You jeopardized what leetle safety I have managed to gain for zhis house! Why?  Where, in your tiny mind, untrained for war and untrained in zhe arts of manipulation, did you think that zhat was a good idea?

[Usually he wouldn't have allowed himself to get this heated, but not only did Himeno nearly ruin everything, she also distracted both him and Grady to the pint where he couldn't work anything useful out of the man! He is not pleased.]

[Phone; Filtered from drones, the Mayor, and his minions (Grady, Postman, Milkman); current date]

Zhis should come as a surprise to no-one who was present during zhe debacle in Westport, but I am once again here to advocate for zhe course of action less taken.

Cooperate. Grady is giving us a very simple ultimatum -- we aid him in his mission to capture Smirnov, or we are brutally tortured, perhaps killed. I do not see why zhis is at all a difficult choice to make. Purposefully antagonizing zhem by refusing to cooperate is not noble. Eet is stupid and childish, and puts all of us at risk. Gather information where you can, by all means -- but be smart about how you do eet. You can do much more good gathering small amounts of information and zhen pooling it togezher zhan doing somezhing rash and getting yourselves all droned before anyone can share anyzhing.

I do not expect many of you to agree with me. Zhat is fine. In zhe end, I care very leetle for your safety. I have merely noticed zhat zhis town tends to be punished as a whole when zhe powers zhat be are truly angered. If I find myself being tortured because one of you did somezhing out of line, I will not be pleased.

!phone, !action, !event: better dead

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