Oscar Mayer's Latest Flavor

Jan 22, 2012 11:29

I hesitate to even begin a dialogue about hypocritical old rich guys, but I have to say it: if Newt Gingrinch somehow gets far enough in the race for GOP candidate to face off against Obama, I will lose what respect I currently have for the so-called "Conservative" Republican party. There is something to be said for separating a person's personal life from his professional life, but if you're going to lead the free world, the standards of behavior have to be a little bit higher for you. And even if they aren't, it's one thing to call yourself a free-thinking liberal and privately shuck the constraints of a traditional, monogomous relationship. It's another to call yourself a "brilliant Conservative", to sell yourself as such and then privately do the same. Newt can call criticisms of his personal behavior "pious balogna" if he wants; I call them common sense observations. And the day our government stops telling us who can marry whom... that will be the day when Newt can say that his personal life isn't fair game in a race about politics. I have never much respected Conservatives who claim to oppose gay marriage because of it's "threat" to the American family, and I certainly won't be voting for a man who thinks that the nice gay couple down the street should be told to cease and desist but that his own philandering does nothing to harm the institution of marriage.

*wants to strangle a rich white guy*

Also, am I the only one who still wants Obama to be our president?

*puts away soapbox*

talk: politics

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