I've been saving up a bunch of links of really amazing vids, and I guess there's no better time to share them than here at the very end of the year :)
Spoilers for the current season and the last in these. Also, a tissue alert for these first two, especially the second :o *wibbles*
Rubik's Cube by doode25 @ YouTube - Castiel, Gen (But vaguely D/C)
Why: I can't imagine a better song for Cas and his struggles throughout Season 6. I seriously can't even listen to this song now without thinking about him! It's really heartbreaking, plus, this vidder is a master editer not to mention great at working in really appropriate, really wrenching sound bites.
Losing Your Memory by doode25 @ YouTube - Bobby, Gen
Why: If you're asking, you definitely haven't watched it yet :p This is a CRUSHING piece related to the season 7 episode "Death's Door".
Fallen by Witchbllade @ YouTube - evil!Cas, Gen
Why: This vid actually contains clips from Supernatural and the films Priest, Legion, Constantine and probably others... It's too cool not to rec :D
Get Off by jmtorres - Chuck, Chuck/...Everybody?
Why: Very well done and such a great idea :D This vid somehow cleverly conveys early!Chuck's panicked desire to quit the crazy spy life AND his desires, period, in relation to some of the people he's met because of it!
Apple Candy by
gigglemonster - Chuck/Sarah, Sarah/Bryce, and Chuck/Bryce
Why: "I wanna feel what he felt... I wanna go where he's been... I want you and I want him..." Tell me those aren't the perfect lyrics for these three characters :D This is a masterful vid. Clever, bittersweet, sad and sexy.
Everybody Loves Me by IzzyBlue7 @ YouTube - cast, Gen
Why: This is a really fun, nicely edited, fastly paced vid full of fun moments and great action sequences from the show. *sigh* I really wish there were more fanvids out there! And that I could make my own to add to the number myself!
Chuck by
gigglemonster - Chuck/Sarah, Sarah/Bryce, PG
Why: This vid was made for a challenge in which vidders created horror movie trailers for comedies.
gigglemonster did such an AMAZING job! Chuck is totally creepy in this trailer. You have to see it!
This Is War by terrilynn88 @ YouTube - cast, Gen
Why: This is a really adrenaline-charged vid, highlighting a lot of the great badassery from the show :) The lyrics and the clips are matched together perfectly, and I love that every character is worked in and how the vidder uses lyrics to characterize them! Plus, the scenes with Bryce in them make me want to wibble :p
Note: If you haven't seen the actual video for this song, by Thirty Seconds To Mars, you need to. Wow.
neverworld1 - Bryce, G
Why: And speaking of the lovely Mr. Larkin... This is short but so cool :D Definitely apropos for (one of) our favorite sp(y)(ies)!
Criminal Minds
Iris by angelwings4191 @ YouTube - Reid/Prentiss, G
Why: You know how rarely I endorse a het pairing :p I really enjoy this one and I think this vid does their relationship justice.
Cain & Abel by
neverworld1 - Clark/Lex, G
Why: This vidder has made a lot of wonderful vids, including several recently that are very Lex-friendly (one of my faves is
I Can Do Anything). And besides that, this song is BEAUTIFUL, not to mention a good idea for a Clex vid.
Hope It Gives You Hell by SVGirl23 @ YouTube - Clark/Lex, G
Why: This is a great song for this pairing!
White Collar
Bittersweet Symphony by
noiproksa - Neal, Gen
Why: What a great look at Neal and the shame he's beginning to feel about his life as a con man. Great pacing, great editing, and though this isn't my favorite song, it works perfectly with these clips so I actually found myself enjoying the tune in more than just its relation to the message being relayed by the vid :)
Let Me Fix My Hat by
neverworld1 - Neal, Gen
Why: This is short, but so much fun :D
Everyday Superhero by ant3ka @ YouTube - Neal + Peter, Gen
Why: This is perfect :D It's fast-paced, edited beautifully and it really highlights both the boys' heroism and modesty. (Yes, I think Neal can be modest ;)
Walk Right Up by chinashopnz - Neal/Jones, G
Why: Well, there's the pairing, first of all :) Wonderfully depicted. Also, I love the choice in song, it's just perfect somehow, and the choice in clips is great. Good editing, too.
I'd Come For You by xladyxmacbethx @ YouTube - Neal/Peter, G
Why: Beautiful use of this song. The clips match up perfectly with the lyrics, the coloring is gorgeous, and the tone of the video just seems very appropriate for the show.
I'd Come For You by goldstaar - Neal/Peter, G
Why: Same song as the last vid... Same great quality product :) Sometimes it's fun to look at what different vidders can do with the same song and subject.
The Only One Who Can Find Me by The Strangelf @ YouTube - Neal/Peter, PG-13
Why: And speaking of different! This is a world-building AU. It uses clips from Texas Chainsaw Massacre... Which are the only clips of that movie I will see, as much as I love Matt Bomer and would like to see him in everything he's played in :) I was on the edge of my seat watching this vid... I just couldn't sit through a movie, watching what happens to his character, and knowing that it won't end happily for him :( There's some wonky editing in places here, introducing a villain I'm not familiar with, but I still think this is worth seeing :)
White Collar Trailer by schroem @ YouTube - Gen
Why: This is short, but I love how believable it it :) It's a trailer for an episode of White Collar that reveals Neal's identity as Bryce Larkin.