(no subject)

Jul 18, 2005 18:38

Yesterday I was out on the Michigan Princess for my parent's wedding anniversary. It was nice. I love spending time with my family, but sometimes it's really hard to survive with everything intact. Either my pride takes a beating, my self-esteem gets knocked down a notch, or I get yelled at by someone. It's not uncommon for all three of these things to happen. Just the other day I was talking to my mom about my weight loss and she made a few comments to me that made me feel lower than low. It's just hard with new eating habits to stay in the same situations. My family doesn't make many encouraging comments to me about how I'm doing, but the minute an opportunity comes up to tell me that "the dip isn't fat free, you know" or "that has X amount of calories in it" people jump on it. My dad had a doctor appointment last week and it turns out that with all the salads he and mom have been eating and his increased excercise (when I say increased I mean from doing nothing to now he walks to the bar) he's lost like 10 pounds. I made sure to tell him congratulations to which he responds "thanks, losing weight is hard" - no FUCKING kidding. I don't really think he was thinking about who he was talking to. Anyway, the afternoon was nice - I still completely feel left out most of them because I'm not half of a pair like my sisters are, but what can I do about that.

Enough being depressing. Something exciting is happening in a few weeks. There's a party at my apartment. Well, our apartment :) Anyone that reads this is invited! It should be pretty fun. It's in celebration of a few things - in chronological order: SD20's birthday - don't ask - JeNAY's birthday - Courtney's birthday - and a reunion of those important people I haven't seen in too long (you know who you are ;) It's on August 6th so mark your calendars. Specifics are still on the table of discussion and will be relayed as soon as they are known.

I saw Tom Lilley!! He came over on Saturday night and it was soooo good to see him. I wish he wasn't in Grand Rapids for the summer. I never get to see him now that he doesn't work at Holden/Wilson. The last time I saw him was in the middle of the street while I was in line for Ricks in April. That was random, but definitely enjoyable. He can't come to the party that I mentioned above, which is a bummer for many people, not just me - but he has a wedding to attend.

Alright, I think I'm going to go read for a bit while all the Nike kids are gone and it's quiet. I need to start a list of all the books I've read this summer. Another entry, maybe.

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