Mar 30, 2004 12:09
"Let Down"
You never offered me a contract,
Signed and sealed.
I never expected oaths from your lips.
But you did speak,
Beautifully -
Poetry like pearls
Strung from mundane words.
But you did speak
To me -
A well of meaning
Pooling behind those words.
And I listened.
And I saw.
And I believed.
But your speeches -
Both spoken and silent -
Are a luxury all your own.
I was never granted that right
By one so concerned with equality
(Would you be impressed if I said
I was thinking of John Locke?
I contemplate my constitution to rebel...).
The last certainty I held
Was your bracelet against my skin.
The leather straps and metal studs
Appeared so cold,
Yet felt so warm on my wrist
As I strapped it on,
Clasping your scent around me.
But the day I gave it back
Was the day your warmth
Ceased gripping me,
The day your scent
Started to fade away.
The nights were ours.
You taught me
How to love the dawn
Through the eyes of the previous day.
My nights were yours.
But now I am afraid that
I've been trying to hold the sun back
For too long.
Its light overflows my cupped palms,
Spilling all over the landscape.
Once again,
The moon falls
And I am let down.