Apr 01, 2005 06:56
Went to a Magic draft tournament last night one and am throuoghly regretting. It's a little draft style tournament thrown by friend of mine and his work friends. Is the third time I've been to one of these and there's always some fat fucking total republican asshole. And it's never the kind whose own natural beliefs tend to lean slightly towards the right. Rather it's the brainwashed type of righty who absolutely believes everything the Rush Limbaughs, Bill O'Reillys and American media in general throw at him.
It just escapes me how you can be 'smart' enough to make a complex Magic card deck, and yet be too fucking dumb to see the truth when it's right in your face. I hate letting politics affect my mood so much, but it's hard not to when dealing with people who seem hell-bent on turning this country into some kind of ghetto-ass second-world (or third world fo that matter) nation. It just makes me quake with inhuman rage.
Oh well, just needed to rant. Will try to create a post of more meaningful substance this weekend since there's a fair amount of blog worthy stuff going on in my little life right now. Peace out.