CA Supreme Court Ruling

May 26, 2009 12:37

I fervently hope that homosexual couples everywhere can gain the right to marry and feel that the prohibitions against such are a disgusting stain upon our nation, but this recent ruling WAS NOT ABOUT GAY MARRIAGE. It was, in my opinion, the wrong ruling to make, but the justices were not ruling on whether homosexual couples deserve the right to marry in a free and equal society, they were ruling about whether you can amend the state constitution in certain ways with a simple majority vote of the populace.

I do not think constitutions should be so easily malleable, in any circumstance, and feel that specifically when amending the constitution to remove rights from a substantial class of individuals a larger proportion should be required. I concur with the lawyers bringing the motion that constitutions provide no benefit from tyranny of the majority when it requires only that same majority to rewrite them.

However the outcry against this seems to totally ignore the actual case being decided. Don't act like the justices let you down and then complain about something they didn't do. I find their actual ruling distressing enough, but it wasn't an anti-gay flip-flop.

While it is the wrong ruling, at least California needs only a simply majority to revoke the original ban.

news, law

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