I'm now starting to seriously consider trying to write a novel in November, on top of all my grad school applications. I knew it was a bad idea to go look at the website. (
www.nanowrimo.org )
Maybe I won't be seriously considering this anymore when it's not 1:30 am... Maybe that would be for the best, really.
But I have this kinda cool idea... :)
NSF fellowship application progressed nicely today, with my making real progress on some essays, despite my having had only 3 hours of sleep. yay. My goal is to get that done by the weekend - if I do, I should check out when the deadlines are for all the grad school apps. Maybe none of them are due until late December/early January, in which case I only need to study for the psychology GRE during November, on top of normal work stuff, and I could easily write a novel during November, too. ;)
ooh, I have a conference in Kansas City the weekend before Thanksgiving (long weekend), and then there's Thanksgiving, and realistically I will have to spend some time working on applications, and... ooh. yeah. November kind of sucks for writing novels, really. But. it looks so fun. and when will it ever be any better? it would be good practice for churning out a dissertation someday, and maybe get me to stop my bad writing habits where I get hung up on stupid things and take a long time to get anything written.
I could aim for a much lower word-count goal than everyone else...
In any case, I'm going to bed. need more than 3 hours of sleep tonight if I want to write more essays tomorrow.